A lot of people are concerned about his speed but I've used Harrison Smith as a sub LB the majority of the year and he's played lights out. Definitely swapping him for Keanu Neal now though, if Neal stayed healthy the past two seasons the Falcons D wouldn't be in such rough shape.
my guess for next week's PU expansion. Gonna be a monster once he gets it
I really want him to get a 99 since they gave Nickell Robey-Coleman a 99
Geeze only a week early lol how do y’all do this
Edited by LHSTitan
A lot of people are concerned about his speed but I've used Harrison Smith as a sub LB the majority of the year and he's played lights out. Definitely swapping him for Keanu Neal now though, if Neal stayed healthy the past two seasons the Falcons D wouldn't be in such rough shape.
Love him at sub LB on my TT got his speed up to a 96
Same here, he's playing solid at my SUB LB but miss my 99 speed Reed there.
Edited by T8sRage
good call... def not a monster tho :/
this card at 99 would be such a good card if he wasn't so slow
Right, crazy this late in the game and they did him like that. I mean he ran a 4.62 40. But on the field be plays like a cheetah.
91 Speed in MUT 20's PU Expasion