Running him at ROLB currently with him being NAT and I run a 3-4 defense. Has been a beast at getting the QB. The higher power and finesse move is lethal coming off the edge
hes legit too good. im 4 games into weekend league and havent been able to get past half time once this beast gets 3-4 sacks in the first half alone. And I wasnt even blitzing xD
I have KC chem to the gills and they have PU Ford and Ogbah now at 89 and honestly, DLaw is still my starting LE. I have Edge threat, Finesse move specialist and reach elite on him with Unstoppable force Xfactor. On the right side, I drop 91 LT down to rush with the same abilities except power instead of finesse and they are a duo and a half! I keep Telvin Smith for coverage and send the dogs in. Money bags.
This card is STILL OP. I have a 92 OVR team, got a 92 Melvin Ingram on the other side with 96 finesse moves, hes faster, and I put ALL the same abilities on him. At the end of most games Lawrence still has the most sacks. I had a game where Ingram went off and had 3.5 sacks by the beginning of Q4... well my 90 Lawrence apparently didn't like that, and by the end of the game it was Lawrence-4, Ingram-3.5. If you haven't played with this guy you are missing out on a BEAST of a card that plays well above it's level. Oh yeah... and don't power him up until you can afford all of the abilites, that is what makes him such a monster. I have still found no card I would replace him with except for the Julius Peppers which has almost the same stats but is much faster. I couldn't even imagine. I have had so many plays where this 76 Speed DE is in the backfield in a split second to blow up the play. For the coin I would say this is a FAR better value. If you aren't getting a lot of sacks...PICK THIS GUY UP. You literally have to do nothing and just let him work. I still can't beleive he is still even on my team, let alone one of my best playmakers!
Running him at ROLB currently with him being NAT and I run a 3-4 defense. Has been a beast at getting the QB. The higher power and finesse move is lethal coming off the edge
out of all the superstars, i wanted him or mahomes more than anyone else, but here i am with a NAT Zach Ertz. i learned how to tie a noose that day
Hes on 135k right now. A steal for one of the best cards in MUT right now, still
is he really? damn i might need to go snatch him then.
Depends on who you have at LE but he comes preloaded with all the xfactors and he gets more sacks than fully PU LT for me
i have the football outsiders Danielle Hunter rn, but now im trying to get D law because of this
my luck Ill get stuck with this from my free pack.
I would like him or Harrison Smith from my free pack only two I would like to have
id love to get "stuck" with him over any of the other 89s
Why would you not want this card lol he literally has 2 of the best abilities in the game for pass rushing
Been using him and he's actually pretty good
hes legit too good. im 4 games into weekend league and havent been able to get past half time once this beast gets 3-4 sacks in the first half alone. And I wasnt even blitzing xD
Btw I use him as my RE because hes the same OVR there and I have 88OVR PU JJ Watt as my LE
do you use 3-4? i just got him too but i see he has edge threat and i have Mack and 88 LT
His 82 card is nuts so this 90 ovr must be INSANE
Legit has had 9+ sack games for me, absolutely abuses those RT's
This card is insane gets way more sacks then my LT fully powered up
Pretty much... I have Mack, Donald, and Cox all fully powered up... and this card blows them all out of the water. He is always in the backfield.
The 99 pass rush is really 100
Is edge threat disengaged when an olb lines up outside him?
Or if he's moved inside to dt2?
I have KC chem to the gills and they have PU Ford and Ogbah now at 89 and honestly, DLaw is still my starting LE. I have Edge threat, Finesse move specialist and reach elite on him with Unstoppable force Xfactor. On the right side, I drop 91 LT down to rush with the same abilities except power instead of finesse and they are a duo and a half! I keep Telvin Smith for coverage and send the dogs in. Money bags.
This is still one of the best pass rushers in the game - He's still good for at least a sack a game for me
This card is STILL OP. I have a 92 OVR team, got a 92 Melvin Ingram on the other side with 96 finesse moves, hes faster, and I put ALL the same abilities on him. At the end of most games Lawrence still has the most sacks. I had a game where Ingram went off and had 3.5 sacks by the beginning of Q4... well my 90 Lawrence apparently didn't like that, and by the end of the game it was Lawrence-4, Ingram-3.5. If you haven't played with this guy you are missing out on a BEAST of a card that plays well above it's level. Oh yeah... and don't power him up until you can afford all of the abilites, that is what makes him such a monster. I have still found no card I would replace him with except for the Julius Peppers which has almost the same stats but is much faster. I couldn't even imagine. I have had so many plays where this 76 Speed DE is in the backfield in a split second to blow up the play. For the coin I would say this is a FAR better value. If you aren't getting a lot of sacks...PICK THIS GUY UP. You literally have to do nothing and just let him work. I still can't beleive he is still even on my team, let alone one of my best playmakers!
this is the best left end
Anyone know if he is getting a card?
Most likely at some point but I wouldn’t count on it because he didn’t have that great of a year