MUT20 Heavyweights: Use this item to complete a step on this player's Power Up item.
Pass Protector (C)
How’s this trash an 87?
Bc of his great pass blocking, strength, and speed. Yeah, run blocking sucks, but he's a pass blocker, so he's good.
Great speed? Hudson usually does have better mobility on his cards but this one not so much.
Wish they didn't choose a pass blocking center. But looks like a great Pass Blocker
If you didn't want a pass blocking center just get theme king Alex Mack, basically this same card but run blocker instead of pass
I know. I have him. But I would've liked to upgrade from him tbh. Double teaming will help Mack tho
Birk? The Theme Diamond guy would be better for you then
77 run block
Do they really think people are spending their hard earned training on this shit
Chiefs Chemistry
pass blocker
If you have the coin Birk is gonna be the guy at least until Most Feared if not a little longer
Ugh, this card is shit. Where is the 90 speed!?
90 is OP but I’d be fine with 89 base speed
This is such a minor upgrade to the Powered up 85 Elite Hudson.. absolutely not worth the training points or anything over 70k IMO
I like the Hudson upgrade will slot in nicely for my chiefs theme team
How’s this trash an 87?
Bc of his great pass blocking, strength, and speed. Yeah, run blocking sucks, but he's a pass blocker, so he's good.
Great speed? Hudson usually does have better mobility on his cards but this one not so much.
Wish they didn't choose a pass blocking center. But looks like a great Pass Blocker
If you didn't want a pass blocking center just get theme king Alex Mack, basically this same card but run blocker instead of pass
I know. I have him. But I would've liked to upgrade from him tbh. Double teaming will help Mack tho
Birk? The Theme Diamond guy would be better for you then
77 run block
Do they really think people are spending their hard earned training on this shit
Chiefs Chemistry
pass blocker
If you have the coin Birk is gonna be the guy at least until Most Feared if not a little longer
Ugh, this card is shit. Where is the 90 speed!?
90 is OP but I’d be fine with 89 base speed
This is such a minor upgrade to the Powered up 85 Elite Hudson.. absolutely not worth the training points or anything over 70k IMO
I like the Hudson upgrade will slot in nicely for my chiefs theme team