An 80 is not anywhere close to a 99. This flashback should be among the highest currently available in elusiveness and not too far off in speed or acceleration.
It’s fucking BEEN trash, it’s going to continue to be fucking trash. Fumbles on every breath of wind, linemen staring in abject horror as their blocking assignment runs around them, players STILL get caught on their blockers, penalties galore and none of them called, and speaking of calls, ITS BEEN THREE FUCKING YEARS SINCE WE COULD CHALLENGE CALLS ON THE FIELD!!!!!!!!!!! THREE GODDAMN YEARS OF A KEY FEATURE OF THE GAME...FUCKING MISSING!!!!!!!! NOT BROKEN, MIIIISSSSSIIIIING
Blake, you need to chill bro. You act like you're better than everyone. You're just a douchebag Boston fan from California that thinks he's a badass behind a keyboard.
New England fan, not Boston. Look up your insults first. Also, FUCK California. It’s not even a state, I refuse to recognize it as such. As far as the badass goes, yeah kinda. Training for PMC work so, yeah, what is it you’re doing? Maybe instead of trying to insult me (and failing), you can actually try and prove me wrong. You can’t but you should try. It’ll be a learning experience
Yes, let’s give everybody 99 speed, no fuck it, 99 EVERYTHING cause y’all are shit players. Know what? 99 everything isn’t far enough. Let’s go back to MUT16 when we could get ONE HUNDRED SPEED AND OVER!!!! Cause that was so good. No, we need every stat well over 100 and the game to be on arcade mode AT ALL times.
FUCK y’all are on my last goddamn nerve
Then GTFO out of here troll, honestly when a new card comes out you troll the comments almost every time. You are a waste of space, gtfo off this site you POS
Yet you can’t argue. I would say it’s interesting but honestly I expected it. Still let down. Anyway, y’all are what’s wrong with MUT. Clambering for the fastest players, find out they don’t perform, rage quit, hit me up saying I glitch, go and throw money into the game, get the newest fastest players, get wrecked AGAIN because your cheese plays don’t work, and the cycle continues. God forbid y’all learn how to play the fucking game and stop spending hundreds of dollars on a game that is fundamentally broken and continue to whine about it being shit. You’re why it’s shit. EA doesn’t care about making a good game. Why? Cause y’all don’t make em. Come the fuck at me
Oh and I’m far from the best, don’t you dare think for a moment that I’ve claimed to be the best. I just want actual games. Not cheese 3-4 blitzes that I can see five miles away, not a stretch play that a brainlet can spam. Hell I'm even fine with losing 77-0 in the first quarter, IF the person is skilled and the game isn’t fundamentally broken. You all sicken me
I just don't understand why you wont drop Power ups for a lot of cards, like last year. Just makes the game more fun, and easier to make theme teams. Most chiefs teams would at least think about getting this shitty flashback, if you could at least power him up and put chiefs chem on him. But i guess giving us what we want has never been your strong suit.
80 elusiveness lol.. lets call it a day. Madden 20’s trash
Not gonna give him 99s in anything this early
An 80 is not anywhere close to a 99. This flashback should be among the highest currently available in elusiveness and not too far off in speed or acceleration.
The speed and acceleration I can deal with but this man should have at least an 87-88 elusiveness
He always plays way more shifty than his stats suggest
I agree... the speed is at least on par with similar type backs. But the elusiveness is a travesty.
Just wait until Madden 21. It'll decrease in quality for the 12th year in a row. But guess what, you're still going to buy it!
It’s fucking BEEN trash, it’s going to continue to be fucking trash. Fumbles on every breath of wind, linemen staring in abject horror as their blocking assignment runs around them, players STILL get caught on their blockers, penalties galore and none of them called, and speaking of calls, ITS BEEN THREE FUCKING YEARS SINCE WE COULD CHALLENGE CALLS ON THE FIELD!!!!!!!!!!! THREE GODDAMN YEARS OF A KEY FEATURE OF THE GAME...FUCKING MISSING!!!!!!!! NOT BROKEN, MIIIISSSSSIIIIING YA FUCKIN DIPWITS ACTUALLY ABLE TO PROCESS THIS YA FUCKIN BRAINLET CHIMPS? HUH? Jesus fucking Christ, we’re all fucked.
Blake, you need to chill bro. You act like you're better than everyone. You're just a douchebag Boston fan from California that thinks he's a badass behind a keyboard.
New England fan, not Boston. Look up your insults first. Also, FUCK California. It’s not even a state, I refuse to recognize it as such. As far as the badass goes, yeah kinda. Training for PMC work so, yeah, what is it you’re doing? Maybe instead of trying to insult me (and failing), you can actually try and prove me wrong. You can’t but you should try. It’ll be a learning experience
worthless troll
Another worthless comment since you can’t argue against me. Neat
Who you? @whiskeyretard
85 speed, 80 elusiveness. LMAO. gg
They just make it like any other upgrade card instead of giving him more realistic stats for 2013. I wish flashbacks actually felt like flashbacks
Traits: None. Speed, elusiveness, and catching are crap. If i go make this card in franchise it's gonna be an 88?
I put his full ratings from the auction house into CFM. He was a 78 OVR
His former BCA cards always had high af elusiveness
87 speed and solid agility? Name the hbs that are faster. You’ll see my point
worthless troll
Can’t prove me wrong though
dubby agrees with Guck though, so all you haters sound funny.
For a flashback this isn’t that good
god this card is awful
They really shafted shady on the speed smh
Yes, let’s give everybody 99 speed, no fuck it, 99 EVERYTHING cause y’all are shit players. Know what? 99 everything isn’t far enough. Let’s go back to MUT16 when we could get ONE HUNDRED SPEED AND OVER!!!! Cause that was so good. No, we need every stat well over 100 and the game to be on arcade mode AT ALL times. FUCK y’all are on my last goddamn nerve
Then GTFO out of here troll, honestly when a new card comes out you troll the comments almost every time. You are a waste of space, gtfo off this site you POS
Bro from reading your comments the only thing wasting space is your brain.
Yet you can’t argue. I would say it’s interesting but honestly I expected it. Still let down. Anyway, y’all are what’s wrong with MUT. Clambering for the fastest players, find out they don’t perform, rage quit, hit me up saying I glitch, go and throw money into the game, get the newest fastest players, get wrecked AGAIN because your cheese plays don’t work, and the cycle continues. God forbid y’all learn how to play the fucking game and stop spending hundreds of dollars on a game that is fundamentally broken and continue to whine about it being shit. You’re why it’s shit. EA doesn’t care about making a good game. Why? Cause y’all don’t make em. Come the fuck at me
Oh and I’m far from the best, don’t you dare think for a moment that I’ve claimed to be the best. I just want actual games. Not cheese 3-4 blitzes that I can see five miles away, not a stretch play that a brainlet can spam. Hell I'm even fine with losing 77-0 in the first quarter, IF the person is skilled and the game isn’t fundamentally broken. You all sicken me
Amen! Sad
trash card. /no respect
Yes, max speed of 87. Truly trash
Trash card, 80 elusiveness on a guy nicknamed "shady" McCoy. Low speed, and spin EA continues to piss on the community and tells us it is raining.
Didn't realize that this was chiefs shady
I don't think you can put Chiefs chem on this card or I would be getting it
I actually agree with all of the ratings, besides elusiveness. That should be at an 84 minimum, but this is literally the first month of the game
second technically but I get it
can this card get bills chems also whoever guckfootball is seems like he's on crack
I just don't understand why you wont drop Power ups for a lot of cards, like last year. Just makes the game more fun, and easier to make theme teams. Most chiefs teams would at least think about getting this shitty flashback, if you could at least power him up and put chiefs chem on him. But i guess giving us what we want has never been your strong suit.
hey guys , can someone name some budget rbs tht get the evasive ability ?
i’m pretty sure 85 ekeler
I need a 90+ Chiefs chem Shady. He's our #1 back and we can't use him... Let's go Madden. Give us what we want.
I’ll take a jamal charles!
you can change his team chem
edit** can you ?