I’ve got a hybrid bears/packers line-up (I know that’s pretty taboo) but I’ve got him pass rushing with reggie white and Julius peppers and I have to say, with team chems and everything else it’s pretty ridiculous.
Aint bot pax all
Yr pulled 5 ltds last yr but shouldnt of gavs me 91 rt on launch in gold pack cuz i hate linemens and now im. Omoneyspent these fuks give me only lineman smfh smacks owner u bich #ibuydronotpacks
Mattyice, can you kindly stfu?
this is gonna wreck my oline
hi mack or von for 95 pass
Been trying to buy this damn card for my powerup nms team and has yet to drop in price like I'm still not paying 250k+ for a 91 at this point
You don’t have a 91 power up pass?
I used it on bo jackson and ended up getting von miller instead
I got an 80 OVR of him wtf
They have done that for years with promos, usually give out a lesser overall version of one of the top cards in a promo.
No better than Von. Pass!
Is better
Slap yo self FOO
Need this!
Can't wait to put back the Raiders logo on this!
Cant wait to upgrade him on my Bears squad!
I’ve got a hybrid bears/packers line-up (I know that’s pretty taboo) but I’ve got him pass rushing with reggie white and Julius peppers and I have to say, with team chems and everything else it’s pretty ridiculous.
Interesting fact... I hear this card actually shoots laser beams from its eyes at your QB while it is embarrassing opposing tackles.
Was top 30 all last year
3 super bowls been to 5 best streak 16 double sb streak took pic
These pack addicts like h junks cant stop lafs
Save ur money unless ur a whale utuber or virgin nerd lmao real talk fuc ea not everyone got loot for games
Aint bot pax all Yr pulled 5 ltds last yr but shouldnt of gavs me 91 rt on launch in gold pack cuz i hate linemens and now im. Omoneyspent these fuks give me only lineman smfh smacks owner u bich #ibuydronotpacks
Seen disconnect warning in a super bowl looked up and said god please dont and won game i dont knoe what i woulda done tho im crazy
Went 16-0 on the one above star my best im out
Considering there is only like what 10 or 11 games idk how you think u went 16-0
O and ea i was a several grand a yr customer untell u fucked me with a ltd lineman lafs
Bra can you and your hillbilly typing ass kindly shut the fuck up please? Reading your comments give me a fucking headache kid.
six months later this idiot is making me ashamed of humanity.
All nats 84 ovr just remeber u aint gotta pay shit to win