No. If he’s lined up immediately across from a lineman, impact block is not what is calculated. Strength and the blocking stat are. Impact block comes into effect when moving into the second level on a chip and climb or when pulling/lead blocking.
Yeah but if he pulls, lead blocking and impact blocking are a if you are a zone run team or if he needs to shift to pick up a blitzer, those stats do make a difference
Frederick is a beast, but Birk is better when he has to pull, and is much more efficient when releasing and blocking at the second level. Two better strength as well.
Matter of preference I suppose. My play-style necessitates blockers with decent mobility for pull plays, so Birk takes the cake. Not privy to the algorithms that guide muthead ratings, but they have him as the better run blocker as well.
The first Vikings card in ages and it’s A) a duplicate B) a limited time card C) really not helpful in any way shape or form. Classic EA. why would we get a good card when we could just get our theme diamond duplicated and made unrealistically priced because of the LTD tag.
I knew as soon as I saw it was a Viking legend you would find something to complain about it with. I will agree with you rehashing the theme diamonds already is annoying but I’d be happy with a 92 center without having to buy this card.
It was mentioned that all theme diamonds would get legend cards and in all honesty yall get a top 2 if not top 1 center in the game and yall always find a way to bitch. Now I by no means support ea or this bs game because it's by far the worst madden game in a while but this card is good and it's only downside is it being ltd
Lol this game is completely garbage imo. I have never had so many lag outs or glitches or just plain cheese happen now there are some content that is great but the gameplay is what is ass for me and hell even some of the choices like making a totw mark Ingram and then what 2 weeks later making a flashback with 1 higher ovr or then there is arod who had a 92 then got a 92 totw the content and gameplay in the game is hard to defend and it's just getting worse
I can’t wait to get a new Corey Dillon that dude is gonna have every stat above 90 he was already a beast at his base and he is a power back that will most likely get juke box and bruiser
Yup, I'll be saving up for him too. I'm just happy the Vikes get an upgrade. Wish it was a new player, but Birk needed an upgrade. All Theme Diamond cards need upgrades. I wish it was "Theme Diamonds II" promo, and not the Legends one; but whatever...
These guys on here are basement trolls living if they mommas so they can spend their allowance on the game bro just get Fredrick he is way better anyway
W! Now give me Hutch and McDaniel to help him out lol
Looks like I’m getting Corey Dillon again as they are all getting upgrades and once he does he will be best back in the game
Can’t wait for the new Corey Dillon, his 90 is still a beast for my Bengals theme team
He’s still a beast for me, with Bo and Sony
I'm just hoping he doesn't get the 94 LTD because I can't afford that, but I'm counting down the days
Shit I’m waiting for McGinnest or Seymour
Best center in the game solid card must cop!
Not bad .
why is this card so rare?
best center in the game
Sell Sell Sell. New/better Center coming out next Friday. Sell quick.
Incredible card.
Bro he has low impact blocking so all those stats don’t mean shit he will still get ate up by d linemen who have higher stats and better blockshed
No. If he’s lined up immediately across from a lineman, impact block is not what is calculated. Strength and the blocking stat are. Impact block comes into effect when moving into the second level on a chip and climb or when pulling/lead blocking.
Yeah but if he pulls, lead blocking and impact blocking are a if you are a zone run team or if he needs to shift to pick up a blitzer, those stats do make a difference
I... I literally said that word for word in my comment. Did you not read it?
May have something to do with currently being the best run and pass blocking center in the game. Stats are right there for ya to look at, buddy.
Frederick most feared? Stfu
Frederick is a beast, but Birk is better when he has to pull, and is much more efficient when releasing and blocking at the second level. Two better strength as well.
Ik that guys stupid
Your the dumbass who would pay 800k for a c who has worst run stats and barely higher pass block you my friend are the sheep EA feeds
Your def a Vikings fan
Chiefs fan, not even remotely close.
I see you on every player page commenting "L" to virtually every comment. Are you incapable of stringing together words?
He’s trolling. Went beast if I’m right or wrong reply “L” or “L” to this comments
yo its the guy who just turned 9 years old commenting this on every single page
Frederick is definitely a better run blocker. L
These biking d suckers gonna milk birk like a cow cause they are sheep that EA loves to feed bs and they call it greatness
Why you so mad bro? You need a happy meal?
Matter of preference I suppose. My play-style necessitates blockers with decent mobility for pull plays, so Birk takes the cake. Not privy to the algorithms that guide muthead ratings, but they have him as the better run blocker as well.
Big ol L FOR U
Niceeee ????????
The first Vikings card in ages and it’s A) a duplicate B) a limited time card C) really not helpful in any way shape or form. Classic EA. why would we get a good card when we could just get our theme diamond duplicated and made unrealistically priced because of the LTD tag.
I knew as soon as I saw it was a Viking legend you would find something to complain about it with. I will agree with you rehashing the theme diamonds already is annoying but I’d be happy with a 92 center without having to buy this card.
bruh sameeeeee, everytime I see a new card announced I always look for his comments to see what he says
It was mentioned that all theme diamonds would get legend cards and in all honesty yall get a top 2 if not top 1 center in the game and yall always find a way to bitch. Now I by no means support ea or this bs game because it's by far the worst madden game in a while but this card is good and it's only downside is it being ltd
Bruh I think this is the best madden since madden 25
Lol this game is completely garbage imo. I have never had so many lag outs or glitches or just plain cheese happen now there are some content that is great but the gameplay is what is ass for me and hell even some of the choices like making a totw mark Ingram and then what 2 weeks later making a flashback with 1 higher ovr or then there is arod who had a 92 then got a 92 totw the content and gameplay in the game is hard to defend and it's just getting worse
I can’t wait to get a new Corey Dillon that dude is gonna have every stat above 90 he was already a beast at his base and he is a power back that will most likely get juke box and bruiser
Hes only 800k not that hard to save up for I bought him this morning for my Vikings theme team
Yup, I'll be saving up for him too. I'm just happy the Vikes get an upgrade. Wish it was a new player, but Birk needed an upgrade. All Theme Diamond cards need upgrades. I wish it was "Theme Diamonds II" promo, and not the Legends one; but whatever...
Dave casper will get a card two and he played for the Vikings his 90 still plays amazing on my theme team
Thanks for the tip!! I didn't know that, so I picked him up and he's my new #1 TE. He does make great plays
“hEs OnLy EiGhT HuNdReD tHoUsAnD cOiNs!” For a center, that’s absolutely ridiculous
These guys on here are basement trolls living if they mommas so they can spend their allowance on the game bro just get Fredrick he is way better anyway
Not a person who gets to play alot bc I work 49 hour weeks and I have only bought packs once this year but I still have 3 mill coins
you sound like Travis Frederick paid you to come argue on behalf of his name lmao calm down
Know who’s the third highest paid player on offense? It’s the center, typically.