This looks beastly his TD played way better than 90 over for me. But Donald with the position change option is the best at DT I ever used. Maybe replace Snacks with this. But Snacks clogs up so much space so Donald can eat. I'm not sure it would be the wise move.
This is for anyone debating on grabbing this card or not, ive played him at every spot in the defensive front in a 4-3 and 3-4. Complete wreckage! I have reggie white as well and he makes more plays on a more consistent basis than white for my team. He will be staying for me. Absolute creature!
Cards theme teams doing well this week. I run mainly 3-4 so I will stick with Henderson for the but docket is perfect for my nickel
This looks beastly his TD played way better than 90 over for me. But Donald with the position change option is the best at DT I ever used. Maybe replace Snacks with this. But Snacks clogs up so much space so Donald can eat. I'm not sure it would be the wise move.
Nice addition to my Noles theme team
Was going to grab this but im thinking Mean Joe Greene and a new John Randle are coming with the NFL 100 DTs so probably going to pass on this.
awesome for any team
rather my 90 pu donald lol
Can he get 9ers Chem? Was only on their on their pre season team in 2014?
No, unfortunately he never played a season snap with them. I would’ve liked to add him to my Niner theme team
Thanks - thought that would be the case. Looking for a good nose tackle for my 9ers theme. I use the Pats D and so slip in and out of 3-4 and 4-3.
Then go with Henderson. Henderson for NT and Dockett for a 4-3 DT.
Now what ahole decided to undersell this card right away lol
Good thing I went after Henderson and Dockett XD they’re gonna be nasty
This is for anyone debating on grabbing this card or not, ive played him at every spot in the defensive front in a 4-3 and 3-4. Complete wreckage! I have reggie white as well and he makes more plays on a more consistent basis than white for my team. He will be staying for me. Absolute creature!
Good at 3-4 as well as 4-3?
Option in 92-93 OVR Legends Fantasy Pack at Level 91