Everyone complaining about stats, it's not ideal, but the speed at least is solid, you think his ul will have 90 at least which means with bonuses he can actually contain with that PUR.
Honestly never used Mack but Miller is still a great card, line up in big dime and he’ll get you sacks easily especially with another edge threat, I’m working with a theme team so I have 94 Chubb on the outside and I have Miller powered up to 96, amazing against pocket passers or a cheesy boot leg QB
Between those two, I’d probably take Mack because he’s a LTD and will be more expensive for longer. But if it were me, I’d wait a week and buy von when he drops to the mid-300s and use the 95 pass for Sean Taylor, Sherman or another expensive LTD player.
Better agility, awareness, tackle and pursuit than Mack. That’s without any theme team bonus. Other stats the same except strength and FMV. If you have a Broncos theme team, this is a way better card than Mack.
Mack is stronger so he can deal with O-line better. He also jumps better for swats, and his catch in traffic and spectacular catch so high he’ll get one from time to time. Both great players it rlly depends on ur scheme
spec catch omg that 55 is gonna be INSANE!!! this von is the same card strength means nothing in this game. also if you7 want to go off these useless stats for a blitzing linebacker von has 57 press to macks 42.
Strength does matter but its not the be all end all, his 88 acceleration 89 agility will make him deadly but if you compare him to Mack who has strength, acceleration, and agility this Von is def not better
they did his power up so dirty! All the work it took to get his master card and then the power up only goes up 1 tier of stats that dont even matter, not even a +1 speed before needing this 95 for a huge jump in stats.
Lotta Von Miller crybabies here that cant accept this card does not measure up. Go ahead and downvote the truth now and go watch your favorite Zirksee video.
hey look more super bowl past masters (rly ea, ya couldnt have released these for the SUPER BOWL promo? im not usually one to complain but these legends have been ass this year. no Steve Smith, Ladanian Tomlinson, Jerome Bettis, Ochocinco)
a new von! finally
just pulled from a cheap coin pack :) should i trade him out with anyone i already have? https://www.muthead.com/20/team-builder/8bb73d4a-d1f4-4a35-9e19-ef8f086afb48/
Everyone complaining about stats, it's not ideal, but the speed at least is solid, you think his ul will have 90 at least which means with bonuses he can actually contain with that PUR.
he has like the same stats as mack you really couldnt tell the difference if you looked at them
This card has been a beast for me played 3 WL games he had 5 plus sacks in all three if u calling this card trash you’re not using it right no bs
This card is disappointing tbh :/
Honestly never used Mack but Miller is still a great card, line up in big dime and he’ll get you sacks easily especially with another edge threat, I’m working with a theme team so I have 94 Chubb on the outside and I have Miller powered up to 96, amazing against pocket passers or a cheesy boot leg QB
DJ Sauce Von the Don
von or mack for 95 pass plz help
Between those two, I’d probably take Mack because he’s a LTD and will be more expensive for longer. But if it were me, I’d wait a week and buy von when he drops to the mid-300s and use the 95 pass for Sean Taylor, Sherman or another expensive LTD player.
Nah, i will stick with #52 for life! #RN4L
This card is disappointing tbh :/
I pulled him in my first legends fantasy pack
Better agility, awareness, tackle and pursuit than Mack. That’s without any theme team bonus. Other stats the same except strength and FMV. If you have a Broncos theme team, this is a way better card than Mack.
Yeah a few +1's & a couple +2's really show he's the better card. I'll stick with Mack & the big hitter trait.
lmao they have the same hit power macks not hit sticking anyone
He’s talking about the big hitter trait, you idiot. So yes, Mack is hit sticking.
Mack is stronger so he can deal with O-line better. He also jumps better for swats, and his catch in traffic and spectacular catch so high he’ll get one from time to time. Both great players it rlly depends on ur scheme
spec catch omg that 55 is gonna be INSANE!!! this von is the same card strength means nothing in this game. also if you7 want to go off these useless stats for a blitzing linebacker von has 57 press to macks 42.
83 strength? Sticking with Mack.
Strength doesn’t matter this year
Lmao are you serious
People legit don’t think it matters. I ignore them now
Strength does matter but its not the be all end all, his 88 acceleration 89 agility will make him deadly but if you compare him to Mack who has strength, acceleration, and agility this Von is def not better
Right. It’s a modifier. But it still matters
In the beginning it did
Thanks for buying my Von Miller card for 750k you suckers!
they did his power up so dirty! All the work it took to get his master card and then the power up only goes up 1 tier of stats that dont even matter, not even a +1 speed before needing this 95 for a huge jump in stats.
Yes it's about time I've been saving my 95 PUP for this!!!
Do all parts of the legends cards go into the power-up? Or only 95? I got a 91 pass sitting around thinking of getting Von up and using my 95 as well.
nah, it's only the 95 ovr version that goes into the power-up
Lotta Von Miller crybabies here that cant accept this card does not measure up. Go ahead and downvote the truth now and go watch your favorite Zirksee video.
hey look more super bowl past masters (rly ea, ya couldnt have released these for the SUPER BOWL promo? im not usually one to complain but these legends have been ass this year. no Steve Smith, Ladanian Tomlinson, Jerome Bettis, Ochocinco)
Unfortunately for Von Miller fans that have been waiting, this is not an upgrade over Mack.
same card depends on who you like more