If he gets an upgrade he’d go to 90, timmerman goes to 90. Timmerman has relatively low awareness to be super effective against the high powered defensise
Update. Between billy turner and Adam timmerman, I would get both for chems and start turner. Timmerman let’s guys through the line, turner does not, probably because of turners higher awareness I’d guess
Wish this was Vitale
Needs a powerup. If he gets one he can start on my team
Why when you can still start Adam Timmerman? Who is due for a upgrade soon
If he gets an upgrade he’d go to 90, timmerman goes to 90. Timmerman has relatively low awareness to be super effective against the high powered defensise
Defenses that people have out
I mean I still have timmerman and when he gets an upgrade I’ll definitely start him instead but I like to switch players around sometimes
Packers theme o-line is actually really nice. Once Rodgers gets a card that gets escape artist packers theme teams are going to dominate.
Update. Between billy turner and Adam timmerman, I would get both for chems and start turner. Timmerman let’s guys through the line, turner does not, probably because of turners higher awareness I’d guess
Need a powerup so I can use Broncos chem