He had way more hard hits than taylor mays tho, actually more than alot of these Safeties. Just look at his highlights, he definitely should get enforcer. I notice madden gives certain players that dont deserve those abilities.
Definitely. Even though Jamal beats him in the majority of Physical Traits(he’s taller and hits the 80 strength threshold to cause more fumble chance against stronger backs), Ed still matches up because the game/players are alot faster now than when TOTY dropped. Ed hits the top threshold for speed,agility,and Acceleration so he’ll be able to keep up with any QB throw power/deep balls to fast receiver combo and any fast/agile back. He also hits the top threshold for Zone and has the best hands to match. Even though Jamal has endgame Hit Power and Pursuit, he won’t be able to use it against fast,agile elite players unless you have enforcer and it’s tight spaces coverage hits. Ed still has elite hit power and pursuit PLUS the speed,accel, agility so they still would match up in them categories. Even though Ed doesn’t get enforcer, he still have the Big hitter trait. So he still gonna get some big hits in crucial situations. However, with only 95 AWR, this card needs to power up to play at a distinguishing level but would still play as good as Jamal without it because of the speed,etc.
I have Jamal, and I'm going for Barry and not Reed bc of the abilities that Reed doesn't get. There's no point in being a gold 99 with 4 possible abilities if you can only get two good abilities, y'know?
I mean sure if you’re relying on your abilities to win you games lmao. Like Hit Man said, this is by far the best cover, ball hawking safety in the game right now and the first to get 99 speed (without team chems). AND he has the big hitter trait.
Ya I’m keeping Jamal to sub him in at MLB he’s a 99 at sub MLB so that’s end game for me ... Gonna role with Sean Taylor @ FS and Reed at SS . When those 3 Ball hawks are on the field at the same time they are a problem for real !!!
Personal opinion. Ronnie Lott is the best all around safety ever, because ed reed could not hit like Ronnie could. Having said that, there is no safety in the history of football who deserves 99 Play Rec more than Ed Reed.
If you have a Ravens theme team along with the coach,stadium, and uniforms powered up, this kinda like a free Golden Ticket. Best safety card in the game!
The biggest joke all year has been Ed Reeds inability to get enforcer.
Ikr! Literally the first thing you see when you type in Ed Reed on Youtube is Ed Reed hard hits.
He should be able to get it as a gold 99
no, he doesnt
You need 95 hit power for his archetype. He was 2 points off
power up? im looking to power him up so please i need to know.
? he has 93 power with zone archtype
Ed Reed had some hard hits but dude is no where near deserving of Enforcer.
11 career FFs to Troy Ps 14. Dude absolutely laid the wood people forget and just assume he was a ball hawk
he was a ballhawk as well as a heavy hitter... there's a reason steelers v ravens games were so great during the era of reed & polamalu
He had way more hard hits than taylor mays tho, actually more than alot of these Safeties. Just look at his highlights, he definitely should get enforcer. I notice madden gives certain players that dont deserve those abilities.
Should I replace TOTY Jamal adams with him?
Definitely. Even though Jamal beats him in the majority of Physical Traits(he’s taller and hits the 80 strength threshold to cause more fumble chance against stronger backs), Ed still matches up because the game/players are alot faster now than when TOTY dropped. Ed hits the top threshold for speed,agility,and Acceleration so he’ll be able to keep up with any QB throw power/deep balls to fast receiver combo and any fast/agile back. He also hits the top threshold for Zone and has the best hands to match. Even though Jamal has endgame Hit Power and Pursuit, he won’t be able to use it against fast,agile elite players unless you have enforcer and it’s tight spaces coverage hits. Ed still has elite hit power and pursuit PLUS the speed,accel, agility so they still would match up in them categories. Even though Ed doesn’t get enforcer, he still have the Big hitter trait. So he still gonna get some big hits in crucial situations. However, with only 95 AWR, this card needs to power up to play at a distinguishing level but would still play as good as Jamal without it because of the speed,etc.
Edited by rl199720202
Thanks for the explanation buddy! Awesome job!
If you aren’t using abilities on him I would. Best cover safety in the game and does still get big hits
I have Jamal, and I'm going for Barry and not Reed bc of the abilities that Reed doesn't get. There's no point in being a gold 99 with 4 possible abilities if you can only get two good abilities, y'know?
I mean sure if you’re relying on your abilities to win you games lmao. Like Hit Man said, this is by far the best cover, ball hawking safety in the game right now and the first to get 99 speed (without team chems). AND he has the big hitter trait.
Use Adams at sub LB and Reed as the SS unless you use Polamalu at sub LB. Adams is a good user for me at the sub LB, but it’s whatever you prefer...
What about Tillman tho for a user at sub LB?
You’re right, or Tillman. Tillman’s honestly the best I just don’t have him a high enough rating yet
Edited by trainhoppin
How do you get him that high of speed without team chem?
Power him up to 99 and throw either Brawler or Sprinter on him
You're right in saying Reed has the best stats and traits, but I like lurker and enforcer on Jamal, so sue me I guess
I replace Jamal with Mays and now replacing Mays with Reed lol
Ya I’m keeping Jamal to sub him in at MLB he’s a 99 at sub MLB so that’s end game for me ... Gonna role with Sean Taylor @ FS and Reed at SS . When those 3 Ball hawks are on the field at the same time they are a problem for real !!!
*roll. Lol
He’s way to slow
No enforcer? No thanks...
Yep, you would actually have to tackle instead of letting the CPU do it. That’s alright I’ll keep snapping their ankles with evasive lol.
Edited by rl199720202
Help!!!! I need help on my team please tell me where I should try to inprove.
Hey at least he has a half decent MLB😅
You need better receivers, better tight end, better d ends.
Thanks for feedback.
Receivers, dline, and lolb
Do the Nfl 100 solos and pick up Randy moss
Has the big hitter trait but EA made him 2 off enforcer after power up with his archetype. Disrespectful.
Edited by Ginjiee
The disrespect to not give Ed Reed Enforcer is unbelievable
funny hoe polumalu gets enforcer before ed reed
Dude, Polamalu ain’t no hoe lol
Personal opinion. Ronnie Lott is the best all around safety ever, because ed reed could not hit like Ronnie could. Having said that, there is no safety in the history of football who deserves 99 Play Rec more than Ed Reed.
Edited by Ryanjnsaber
not even troy polamalu in the c gap with performance enhancing dieties?
Should i get this ed reed or powered up taylor mays
So is he better than Dawkins ?
I have an extra anyone willing to trade for it?
Definitely a nice card
Can he get FS chems?
Shut the Hell up THis Card Is Friciking Nasty af
If you have a Ravens theme team along with the coach,stadium, and uniforms powered up, this kinda like a free Golden Ticket. Best safety card in the game!
Stop complaining about the fact that he can’t get enforcer. Enforcer is not that important for a big hitter safety guys. He’ll still get hit sticks.
can he get any team chem like the free agency masters?
i dont think so
I put unfakeable on him and he’s gotten some big hits for me
He better get a 99 UL because EA had the audacity to get him 2 off enforcer.