MUT20 Ultimate Legends Career Edition: Allen won numerous awards in his 16-year career, including: NFL MVP, Super Bowl MVP, and Offensive Player of the Year.
I will second this--Allen seems to continue to pick up speed once he gets ahead of the pack. I keep Bo and Dickerson in the line-up to crash through the middle when necessary but Allen has definitely earned his HB1 spot of late.
so now that I have them both powered up--if Allen gets a lead none can catch him so far and it seems he gets faster as he goes. Jackson is great too but seems much slower once you run a few with Allen. I have Allen spec'd with Evasive and Outside Zone Guru and Bo with Inside Zone Guru and Pin & Pull but find myself relying on Allen much more these days.
a bunch of the nat training packs, i sniped a 96 ovr gary jarret for real cheap and started re rolling, got one from challenges, two from sets with the zero chill cards, and power up passes
Yeah Edgerrin James is the same way. Sucks because power backs have the advantage in abilities, I'd rather have Bruiser + Jukebox vs just Evasive any day with how M20 plays
No shit Sherlock But yeah it is cool having another UL this week
Covers Ball: Brace Against Medium Hitters
Is there such a thing as medium hitters on anyone's team at this point? haha
Fuck there’s a lot of running backs this year!
Whether he's better than Bo or not, he's a beast in MUT. Great replacement for Dickerson.
I will second this--Allen seems to continue to pick up speed once he gets ahead of the pack. I keep Bo and Dickerson in the line-up to crash through the middle when necessary but Allen has definitely earned his HB1 spot of late.
Fully powered Allen or bo?
so now that I have them both powered up--if Allen gets a lead none can catch him so far and it seems he gets faster as he goes. Jackson is great too but seems much slower once you run a few with Allen. I have Allen spec'd with Evasive and Outside Zone Guru and Bo with Inside Zone Guru and Pin & Pull but find myself relying on Allen much more these days.
Does anyone know if his power up can get FB as secondary position?
With a 25/50 Chiefs team and 36/40 Chiefs passing he has 70 Pass Block Power on my team. Uhhh what?!?
I quicksold my 89 allen i pulled yesterday even tho my friend said he getting a card tmr rip
can i have help with my no money spent squad this whole UL thing is making me rethink my plan, suggestions anyone?
How'd you get so many TOTY players with no money spent?
a bunch of the nat training packs, i sniped a 96 ovr gary jarret for real cheap and started re rolling, got one from challenges, two from sets with the zero chill cards, and power up passes
Cant wait for a ladainian tomlinson card to come
As of now, it won’t happen. EA didn’t secure his rights
This card got my offense to a 98 , chiefs chem team . Defense 98 as well
Thoughts on my team? Low on coins rn . But this what I have . Waiting on Vick ultimate legend and bo . Other than that just another ss for other formations . He’s a 99 with all chems maxed on my team
This card or bo? I can’t decide which one to pick ip
I wasn’t excited about this card . . . until I saw that he can get the Chiefs team chem. Now he’s my starter and is kicking ass.
His truck is 1 better than his elusive, but he's an elusive archetype?? Lol
Yeah Edgerrin James is the same way. Sucks because power backs have the advantage in abilities, I'd rather have Bruiser + Jukebox vs just Evasive any day with how M20 plays
I’m just pissed that he can’t get arm bar. His spin is unreal, so he’s one of the few people where it’s viable this year
he gets Juke Box I have him on my squad bro
That run against the redskins though