MUT20 Ultimate Legends Skill Edition: Use this item to complete the Ultimate Legends: Bo Jackson Set and earn his 99 OVR Career Edition.
Powerback (HB)
99 spd wtf is going on
I think I have an erection
Ok, pause
It’s the physical edition. They always give them the same speed as the full one. Best budget gods in the game
no juke, spin, truck, or stiff arm, BUT JUMP, SPEED, ACCELL, AND STRENGTH. Mans is a 90 overall with Leap frog and inside zone guru
Not even that, but he’s a beast for people who just got the game or people trying to start new squads to fill in the void of madden for two months.
budget beast
Such a budget beast
99 spd wtf is going on
I think I have an erection
Ok, pause
It’s the physical edition. They always give them the same speed as the full one. Best budget gods in the game
no juke, spin, truck, or stiff arm, BUT JUMP, SPEED, ACCELL, AND STRENGTH. Mans is a 90 overall with Leap frog and inside zone guru
Not even that, but he’s a beast for people who just got the game or people trying to start new squads to fill in the void of madden for two months.
budget beast
Such a budget beast