Lmao what the fuck? Delpit legit missed over 25% of tackle attempts and was among the worst tacklers in college football but is a better box safety than McKinney. What a joke.
Mckinney should have better tackling, pursuit, hit power and big hitter trait. How in any way shape or form is Delpit a SS and Mckinney an FS and have Delpit with better hit power?
Ea have y’all not see this man play how do u not give him big hitter trait and grant Delpit does not hit harder than McKinney
Edited by WowEa21
Lol, his Zone coverage is a joke on this card. There is a reason he was the first safety taken smh
Well apparently he shouldnt when delpit in that box he's a hitter
Lmao what the fuck? Delpit legit missed over 25% of tackle attempts and was among the worst tacklers in college football but is a better box safety than McKinney. What a joke.
Here you are again crying over the disparities between Del Pit and McKinney.
Mckinney should have better tackling, pursuit, hit power and big hitter trait. How in any way shape or form is Delpit a SS and Mckinney an FS and have Delpit with better hit power?
Mckinney should also have strip ball
Should have 95 hit power