In the team strategy tab, set your uniforms, stadium, and head coach to the corresponding chiefs item. Each of these has 10 upgrade slots you can use to boost passing, running, etc. set all 40 slots to balanced o and your offense gets +1 speed
So now that his price dipped to 500k I said what the hell, I’ll give him a shot, and did the PU. Only used him in one solo battle so far, but oh my god does he make life easy. If you’re on the fence about whether he’s worth the cost, the answer is very yes. I have TO at 91 spd and Holt at 92, and they feel like they’re jogging compared to this guy at 96.
lol I Pulled him out of a TOTW pack after I rage quit an Apex Legends game with Bud Dupree in the same pack. Spent the only 30k I had and turned it into a 600k pack lol I'm not sure if I wanna sell Hill or not. I have a lions themed team that is desperate for speed. what do you guys think? maybe try to complete the set with Bud?
catching stats are honestly disrespectful and so is the jumping. he's not just another bum slot receiver with speed. if ea actually watched him play they'd realize he's got hands amazing hands and insane spec catch and catch in traffic ability. he's also a very gifted route runner. every stat needs bumping.
Using my PU pass for this one. By the way when are we getting an new Mahome? I hate his super slow throwing motion it's so bad I had to by Nick Foles and sub him in at QB. 50/50 Chiefs so I can't use another QB
I run a eagles/ravens theme team 30/50 eagles and 25/50 ravens and the only holes in my lineup are OLBs (Suggs will get a legend though so I'm not worried) and LG. If I really wanted to though I could just slot Yanda OOP LG though.
EA why the hell isn't this the LTD? You are selling Reekbeater short by not honoring him with a limited time card like every other good player in the league has??? know..I’m glad I’m a saints fan with a saints theme team.. it seems like all these big names are making these cards unattainable..all the saints cards are affordable like 200k at most each (other than kamara and lattimore coming soon)...but this.. whew having to pay 600k to stay on track with some of these names is hard lol.. good thing is if I get lucky to pull one of these I can just sell it and sit on coins until my players come out lol
He did his time and as for the son, the investigation concluded that it was negligence on behalf of his gf but hey don't let facts get in the way of your narrative
1.) Probation involves time and effort including going to counseling, anger management courses, observed UA's and seeing a probation officer.
2.) He was never given a prison sentence because probation is deferred prosecution. Once probation is completed the charges are dropped.
IDK what is so difficult to understand about that
There was more too it. To say "You need to be terrified of me, too bitch" doesn't mean physical threats. And even then she lied about Hill and nearly ruined his career in college. Look at their history and you'll see she's just a crazy chick who Tyreek legitimately wants out of his life.
Lol i will save about 500k and just get Mecole hardman who can be wr4 for me and he also has better catching this this card. Only thing this card has over hardman is route running and release.
Yeah, it isn't perfect by any means. Hill does stand his with my Chiefs chems and such. I do run a west coast offense with lots of screens, while forcing Okoye down the middle. It really does open up for big passes. I would just say it isn't as overpowered as I would have imagined.
Pick up some Chief golds and get that 98 speed.
with a full theme team and sprinter on his PU he's at 99 speed
Right 50/50 is a pretty big commitment. I could see grabbing 25 Chiefs at backups. Good point though!!
Or if you want, do 25/50, sprinter, and full Balanced O stadium/uni chem
Wait Balanced offense can give you a speed boost? How? I'm a noob lol.
If you have 40/40 it will for balanced O. That’s roughly 40k training though. But if you run a theme team at least on offense it’s worth it
wait what chiefs chem do you put on? not very familiar w the team chems but i know how to put them on
If you have John Madden Coach it's not worth it. He has the physical chem slot now.
In the team strategy tab, set your uniforms, stadium, and head coach to the corresponding chiefs item. Each of these has 10 upgrade slots you can use to boost passing, running, etc. set all 40 slots to balanced o and your offense gets +1 speed
Booooring .. Next
So now that his price dipped to 500k I said what the hell, I’ll give him a shot, and did the PU. Only used him in one solo battle so far, but oh my god does he make life easy. If you’re on the fence about whether he’s worth the cost, the answer is very yes. I have TO at 91 spd and Holt at 92, and they feel like they’re jogging compared to this guy at 96.
Completed the set after pulling 86 Singletary and 87 Jimmy G, Sold yesterday for 620k, gonna wait until Thanksgiving promo and pray for a market crash
Don’t worry, it crashes before every big promo
lol I Pulled him out of a TOTW pack after I rage quit an Apex Legends game with Bud Dupree in the same pack. Spent the only 30k I had and turned it into a 600k pack lol I'm not sure if I wanna sell Hill or not. I have a lions themed team that is desperate for speed. what do you guys think? maybe try to complete the set with Bud?
he is so good
Throws up peace sign
Got mine from the good morning madden giveaway last week. He’s so dang fast!
catching stats are honestly disrespectful and so is the jumping. he's not just another bum slot receiver with speed. if ea actually watched him play they'd realize he's got hands amazing hands and insane spec catch and catch in traffic ability. he's also a very gifted route runner. every stat needs bumping.
Oh my God this card is EXPENSIVE
Using my PU pass for this one. By the way when are we getting an new Mahome? I hate his super slow throwing motion it's so bad I had to by Nick Foles and sub him in at QB. 50/50 Chiefs so I can't use another QB
I wish they would give people with ravens theme team a good receiver
I run a eagles/ravens theme team 30/50 eagles and 25/50 ravens and the only holes in my lineup are OLBs (Suggs will get a legend though so I'm not worried) and LG. If I really wanted to though I could just slot Yanda OOP LG though.
hope he drops the ball like his stats dictate.
EA why the hell isn't this the LTD? You are selling Reekbeater short by not honoring him with a limited time card like every other good player in the league has???
Your a dumbass dude this is why ea makes terrible calls like putting Donald and clowney and kittle behind Ltd stfu your aids man
LOL.... you just got trolled.
Good job EA! Would of rather seen em in most feared but cool! know..I’m glad I’m a saints fan with a saints theme team.. it seems like all these big names are making these cards unattainable..all the saints cards are affordable like 200k at most each (other than kamara and lattimore coming soon)...but this.. whew having to pay 600k to stay on track with some of these names is hard lol.. good thing is if I get lucky to pull one of these I can just sell it and sit on coins until my players come out lol
Same here, I've somehow pulled two of these out of two TOTW packs and sold them both. Lockett ain't Tyreek fast but he's good enough.
Same here i rock a pats team and most expensive card for me was LTD Redux Jamie Collins 310k i used mut 10 token on Moss and power up pass on Gronk
I'm like you, saving up my coin, until Saints items are released. When they drop it, I'm on it.
Using 1 91-92 PU pass on this guy and the other on Donald, just don't know who comes first
man, I'd use it on moss way before I use it here.. 600k vs 1.5mil
Already have Moss maxed out
Peppers is underrated and can actually play OLB well with his 61 ZCV rating, his speed, and allat.
He shouldn’t even be in the league from beating his girl and son
Eh well you know. I know he isn't a good guy IRL but Gaw damn is he good at football. I'll still use him but I'll feel slightly less good about it.
Ignorant madden fans are going to downvote but it’s true.
He did his time and as for the son, the investigation concluded that it was negligence on behalf of his gf but hey don't let facts get in the way of your narrative
When was he in prison?
Probation sweetheart
Oh so he didn’t do time or anything? K. So how’d he do his time, when the time for assault is in prison?
Innocent until proven guilty. Always
I believe he was referring to his time served due to pleading guilty to beating his pregnant girlfriend back in 2016
1.) Probation involves time and effort including going to counseling, anger management courses, observed UA's and seeing a probation officer. 2.) He was never given a prison sentence because probation is deferred prosecution. Once probation is completed the charges are dropped. IDK what is so difficult to understand about that
Imagine believing allegations that were found to be lies
Who exactly found them to be lies?
Whoever got a check from KC
In the recording, Espinal says that their son repeatedly said, “Daddy did it.” Hill responds, “You need to be terrified of me, too bitch.”
The league should have suspended him just for this.
Ray Rice
There was more too it. To say "You need to be terrified of me, too bitch" doesn't mean physical threats. And even then she lied about Hill and nearly ruined his career in college. Look at their history and you'll see she's just a crazy chick who Tyreek legitimately wants out of his life.
Where is that 99 hit power EA?
Kareem Hunt doesn't have 99 kick power either smh
Kareem Hunt has been reinstated. I'm sure EA will be rushing a card out next week.
Agreed! And I'd be really excited if my browns team didn't already have 2 great RBs
Lol i will save about 500k and just get Mecole hardman who can be wr4 for me and he also has better catching this this card. Only thing this card has over hardman is route running and release.
Too bad Hartman doesnt have a powerup and 94 is hos top speed. Right now my tyreek is at 97 speed
I have Hill at 98 and Hardman at 97. With chiefs chem, +2 and +1 from sprinter right now.
Still gonna have a hard time dealing with press coverage and a good pass rush. Trust me cause I’ve been handling the two of em
Yeah, it isn't perfect by any means. Hill does stand his with my Chiefs chems and such. I do run a west coast offense with lots of screens, while forcing Okoye down the middle. It really does open up for big passes. I would just say it isn't as overpowered as I would have imagined.
Hardman can’t get off his press, and Hill has an issue with that as well. Shits on your timing real quickly
Exactly I said the same thing it’s just hard man is not a big name like tyreek