MUT21 NFL Playoffs Hero: Use this item to complete a step on this player's Power Up player item.
Run Support - S
Should have been kamren curl
yeah hes been ballin, people say DROTY is between Chase and Chinn, nah its betweeen Chase and Curl, 88 tackles 3 picks 2 sacks 1 TD kids elite
Preach, Fellas! Go burgundy and gold!
Good year to be a skins fan, no more Bruce allen and a buncha great mut cards
redskins you say🤠how racist
I'm not a racist, i have friends that are red. Ohhh i see what you did there, i never used that term, but you did. Lol HTTWFT
Yeah i’m mocking the fact that people act like a bunch of ppl are offended by the name
They made him so much better than that card last year omg
I like in all previous years he'd end up with a gold 99 with ass speed and now he's faster than Ramsey?! 😂😂
Does he get FS secondary chem when Powered Up?
Giants and WFT just 💦💦💦
This card is insane
Should’ve been anyone else
Anyone know if he gets FS secondary position?
I’m so happy he’s getting this card, i live on run support SS’s, and i usually like players that do good on my franchise mode, and he’s one 😂
Can get 99 HPW already with power up and maxed run stuff, that’s legit
I use Collins as my sub LB with 50/50 lockdown, 40/40 sprinter and 2 abilities on him. Enforcer and Lurker. I user him all game. Absolute beast.
lurker isn't good
Should have been kamren curl
yeah hes been ballin, people say DROTY is between Chase and Chinn, nah its betweeen Chase and Curl, 88 tackles 3 picks 2 sacks 1 TD kids elite
Preach, Fellas! Go burgundy and gold!
Good year to be a skins fan, no more Bruce allen and a buncha great mut cards
redskins you say🤠how racist
I'm not a racist, i have friends that are red. Ohhh i see what you did there, i never used that term, but you did. Lol HTTWFT
Yeah i’m mocking the fact that people act like a bunch of ppl are offended by the name
They made him so much better than that card last year omg
I like in all previous years he'd end up with a gold 99 with ass speed and now he's faster than Ramsey?! 😂😂
Does he get FS secondary chem when Powered Up?
Giants and WFT just 💦💦💦
This card is insane
Should’ve been anyone else
Anyone know if he gets FS secondary position?
I’m so happy he’s getting this card, i live on run support SS’s, and i usually like players that do good on my franchise mode, and he’s one 😂
Can get 99 HPW already with power up and maxed run stuff, that’s legit
I use Collins as my sub LB with 50/50 lockdown, 40/40 sprinter and 2 abilities on him. Enforcer and Lurker. I user him all game. Absolute beast.
lurker isn't good