No he’s not a lot better, you say the only things Chubb had on him is those 3 but then the only relevant stats that ware has on chubb is speed, acc, strength and pmv
Him and Chubb are both better than shaq Barrett, and unfortunately it now looks like we wont be getting a von miller upgrade so... Chubb and ware are gonna be the 2 best bronco pass rushers in the game
Derrick Thomas came out a little over 2 months ago and has very similar stats +all traits. That’s not my bias, that’s just me stating the facts as thresholds are in the game
97 speed and 99 strength on tt.
give him a lil higher blockshed and this is pretty much GT
Man no Broncos card art , it would be dope to see him with the SB 50 patch or holding the Lombardi trophy
Nice card
Yes finally... Played 5 games with D Law (with edge threat) and he hasn’t gotten one sack.. Maybe because I’m runnin 3-4
This card and Haley coming off the edge gonna look real nice
is he really that much better than bradley chubb?
yes hes alot better, only thing chubb has on him is block shed by 2, tackle by 1 and pursuit by 1
No he’s not a lot better, you say the only things Chubb had on him is those 3 but then the only relevant stats that ware has on chubb is speed, acc, strength and pmv
Let’s not forget COD and Agility to chase people down better
Him and Chubb are both better than shaq Barrett, and unfortunately it now looks like we wont be getting a von miller upgrade so... Chubb and ware are gonna be the 2 best bronco pass rushers in the game
2nd positions??
No that’s your bias
Edited by da_sportz_kidz
This guy is a goon
If you line him up at RE can he be a pass rush DT, or I'd that only for true D-linemen
Only for true d line
+3speed in a+7ovr
did u expect 96 speed?
then why are u mad about his speed 💀 92 is very good for a power rusher
Im not mad. He will never be on my team and speed rushers play better for me. Kearse is great.
Does he get no outsiders for 1 ap?
great question
Does he get no outsiders for 1 ap?
card is better than I thought it'd be. does everything well
Derrick Thomas came out a little over 2 months ago and has very similar stats +all traits. That’s not my bias, that’s just me stating the facts as thresholds are in the game