They said from the very beginning of the Ultimate kickoff program that the ultimate kickoff cards will never be a part of their power up system. Does nobody pay attention to this shit?
I understand it from both sides. Gives more variety cuz i know of some people that can’t stand powerup cards. Kinda neat to have standalone cards but would also be neat to spread the love a bit to other players like, oh, idk. NICK BOSA?
He has a ultimate kickoff card tho
They said from the very beginning of the Ultimate kickoff program that the ultimate kickoff cards will never be a part of their power up system. Does nobody pay attention to this shit?
it still makes having two cards kinda pointless. pick someone else from the team for one of the promos
I understand it from both sides. Gives more variety cuz i know of some people that can’t stand powerup cards. Kinda neat to have standalone cards but would also be neat to spread the love a bit to other players like, oh, idk. NICK BOSA?
Agreed. But none the less I'd rather them have not done anyone from the PUs for Ultimate Kickoff in the first place.
I was going to buy his kickoff when it first dropped too but i said fuck it and bought galloday’s . i have ramczyek,reid,galloday and william jacksons