Agreed. 7 large presents got me 3 94s, 3 93s, and a 92. Turned the zero chills from presents into kindling for Strahan and Mel. Bought Bo under 300k and did Vick set. Now I have Vick fully PU and NAT bo, Mel, and strahan in my lineup.
Also got my 150 daily missions and level 75 pu passes today, so quicksold my MF leveon and made some other power up changes for max coins. Fully PU Ronnie Lott with second pu pass and have pending auctions for another million coins. Good day! Merry Christmas!
Agreed. 7 large presents got me 3 94s, 3 93s, and a 92. Turned the zero chills from presents into kindling for Strahan and Mel. Bought Bo under 300k and did Vick set. Now I have Vick fully PU and NAT bo, Mel, and strahan in my lineup.
Also got my 150 daily missions and level 75 pu passes today, so quicksold my MF leveon and made some other power up changes for max coins. Fully PU Ronnie Lott with second pu pass and have pending auctions for another million coins. Good day! Merry Christmas!