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6’7” with Lurker is actually insane.

Hopefully since this card came out, now we’ve established that tall linebackers with lurker are now in-game, so hopefully Anthony Barr will get a damn upgrade too. Been 91 since Halloween, that’s basically decades in madden time

Edited by rebellious_rhino


I saw a lot of people figured he’d be Easter promo. Position heroes then?


If he gets a position hero then that’d be a surprise to me. He’s good, but he’s not a top five 4-3 OLB anymore. My guess is that if any Viking gets a PH, it’ll be Harrison Smith at SS, but even that’s not a guarantee.


Apparently some people are saying there’s gonna be an Easter part 2? Idk I’m so out of the loop anymore lol


I was waiting for a Free Agency part 3 but that never came, so I’m not holding out any hope lol. I’d rather have low expectations and be surprised rather than vise versa.