
Back to Power Up Cards

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Two notes. First, PUPs replace the cards needed to fill the set and doesn't give you a pass of the desired overall. E.g. (ignoring actual PUP ranges), you have 86 OVR PU pass, you're trying to get to 87 OVR, and need an 86 OVR card -- your PUP will work. But notice, you have 86 OVR PU pass, you're trying to get to 86 OVR, and you need an 85 card -- your PUP will not work. Second, there's a weird bug that doesn't let you select things from your binder if you're upgrading a power-up card through the "new item" landing screen right after purchasing from the auction house. You'll have to go to your binder/line-up and begin upgrading from there.