And, which stat's might those be? I can 100% promise you, that awareness affects how fast the receiver will respond to a ball being thrown, don't believe me, try it, find some guys with decent stat's but low awarness and try to throw a ball to them before they turn their head. Watch the defender with high coverage, react faster than the receiver and then watch it get picked.
If it's a fact, send me a link to the game code that proves it. I don't know for a fact it does what I say, but through experimentation, I've concluded that it changes the reaction time of receivers. I'm also convinced that strength effects a receivers ability to hold on to the ball through contact.
Awareness does literally nothing besides boost overall. Do you want to know how well the AI will play? Check the real stats
And, which stat's might those be? I can 100% promise you, that awareness affects how fast the receiver will respond to a ball being thrown, don't believe me, try it, find some guys with decent stat's but low awarness and try to throw a ball to them before they turn their head. Watch the defender with high coverage, react faster than the receiver and then watch it get picked.
Awareness does nothing besides overall pad. That's a fact
If it's a fact, send me a link to the game code that proves it. I don't know for a fact it does what I say, but through experimentation, I've concluded that it changes the reaction time of receivers. I'm also convinced that strength effects a receivers ability to hold on to the ball through contact.
Holy shit. Strength and Awareness do nothing. Multiple youtubers have shown that
Thats not a fact though, awareness helps with blocking and with catching and going for balls before the defender