I went with Jared cook awhile ago when littlest best card was his 86. Better catching and stats but 1 slower speed. Haven’t looked back since and I’m completely satisfied with my choice still
I don’t use him in run blocking maybe 1 or two times a game. I use him as a receiver. He’s honestly my most productive receiver most games. Jesus’ balls you guys need to get off the run game you’re all so obsessed with lol
Gronk is LTD too. That helps nobody.
I went with Jared cook awhile ago when littlest best card was his 86. Better catching and stats but 1 slower speed. Haven’t looked back since and I’m completely satisfied with my choice still
Jared Cook couldn’t run block if his life depended on it.
I don’t use him in run blocking maybe 1 or two times a game. I use him as a receiver. He’s honestly my most productive receiver most games. Jesus’ balls you guys need to get off the run game you’re all so obsessed with lol