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@lekwid1986 if u think a 91 ed reed is your endgame safety you are the dumbest man on this coins and buy Adams who is 10x better in every category except -1 speed


He has AMAZING coverage skills, 95 hit power, 89 speed, higher tackle by 10, better in every category that SSs are 96 Tillman in box and 93 Adams deep, along with 93 Dawk


Bro they are 2 different kind of safety’s 1 is run support 1 is zone. Adams lacks the speed of this guy specially with all new cards getting 90+ speed you’ll see.


Ok where do I start with your ignorant ass. Save coins? I pulled all the set pieces for reed except his 85. Cost me 35k. Second Adams yes Adams is a better tackler and that’s it. Reeds power and tackling are decent he can still lay the wood. Catching juke spin speed all better on reed, will have more pick 6’s than Adams because of that. End game ultimate reed> any Adams cars. 3rd I’m a ravens fan, off the rip I’m going to choose reed. Glad he is a SS, now just need Taylor on the other side to complete by backend. Unlike you, I play with who I like instead of the best available at times.