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I was getting torn up by this play by someone last night and I finally learned how to stop it.  The first step I did was I hit the options button and scrolled over to depth chart.  I realized that I scrolled one to far so I went back over to quit game.  I hit the X button and it asked me if I wanted to quit the game.  I scrolled to the "yes" option and hit the X button again.  

I don't rage quit often, but that was the only play the guy ran and I couldn't stop it.  I ran into it again and tried some different coverages and the one that worked best was the nickel normal cover 6 invert.  I didn't make any coverage adjustments other than contain and set a spy on the DE of the HB and it stopped it pretty frequently.  I don't know if it was a bad user the 2nd time compared to the first one I played, but it worked.