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What is the current cap at? Usually youtube is a great place to start. From last year i've noticed a lot of ppl do the lowest cap value at fb/te/cb3, and backups that you need a flex. And to save cap put your rold at lolb and vice versa, to not count chemistry against you and then switch it when you enter a game. that was what i did last year. And then your qb and skill guys and offensive line i'd say use what you want to emphasize, ie line with higher run block or pass block. Either go with a gold line or low elite lite, whatever your preference. I am a no money spent guy so i'm about at the time of year that i'm facing normal teams on season mode that are a lot better than mine. years past when i'd play salary cap it was always a competitive one possession game instead of getting out matched and blown out because i don't have the newest fastest highest overall player. Something cool this year is i'm thinking you can still use whatever qb you want, just maybe don't power him up all the way, ie Rodgers to like an 84 or something to save cap. That's my 2 cents bro, hope it helped. I"m sure there's a great breakdown on YouTube of a good way this year to start a team, I just haven't looked yet. If i find one i'll post it.