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:lol: yeah it does. those trash guys decided to be funny and drove by my house again and didn't get the trash then they came back picked it up and laid on their horn. I ran outside with my cell recording their actions :lol: Just in case they try to start crap. I live in a small town and it can get pretty dicey when you go up against these ancient creatures running this town. they can be shady and try to use ordinances to get back at u. Just last month I had to trim a few branches off my tree that's by the ally because they were lower than 14ft. meanwhile all my neighbors tree's branches are lower than 14ft. I have a historic home and it's protected by law and the historical society so they can't get me on building code but they try to get me on silly stuff like tree branches. I inherited my home and these old f'ers have never liked my young (relatively)  self owning it.