Of course, if they "missed", call the office and make a request. Be nice and courteous. Remember, these folks are just doing a job that they most likely don't love and don't get paid much to do.
Pro tip: Use honey instead of vinegar. I tip everyone that does services for me, but also including the trash guys. If you can, meet them at the street, and simply hand them and envelope each with the simple words "thank you". Inside, put cash (I typically put $40-60). And then thank them verbally. From that point forward, they will go out of your way to make sure you are taken care of and treat you first class. Have a bit more than what fits in the can? No worries. Extra brush? No worries. Need something big like a fridge gone (and have no way to haul it or pay the $100 fee of whatever it is)? Put it there and they will make sure it goes (they call their buddies). I've even had them get out of the truck and knock on my door when I forgot one time.
Of course, if they "missed", call the office and make a request. Be nice and courteous. Remember, these folks are just doing a job that they most likely don't love and don't get paid much to do.
Pro tip: Use honey instead of vinegar. I tip everyone that does services for me, but also including the trash guys. If you can, meet them at the street, and simply hand them and envelope each with the simple words "thank you". Inside, put cash (I typically put $40-60). And then thank them verbally. From that point forward, they will go out of your way to make sure you are taken care of and treat you first class. Have a bit more than what fits in the can? No worries. Extra brush? No worries. Need something big like a fridge gone (and have no way to haul it or pay the $100 fee of whatever it is)? Put it there and they will make sure it goes (they call their buddies). I've even had them get out of the truck and knock on my door when I forgot one time.