
Back to Message for Kraelo or any Madden 19 developers. Please bring back injuries in Madden 19!!!

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Quote from tomsonb19 >> I like the idea of having injuries bak in MUT ...... it would be more realistic. This could lead to several different questions and all of them have atleast 3 different and right answers. It´s the point of view and the experience that will lead to your kind of answer....

My pov is simple that you don´t win/lose a game in one play and you don´t win/lose a game with one player. We have basicaly 4 quaters to make points. That this game is a natural close game in most parts is great and makes it eather frustrating or thrilling - depending if you get the better end or not....

Who don´t like to score with 4 seconds left and win the game with 3 more points? I do like it but the base to the win isnt 4 seconds before the game is done, right and you could get stopped at the one yard line. It happens irl often.