Negative ghost rider. I not everyone NEEDS to do this. Some of us are here to play and enjoy the game not try to bs our way to the top. Then again, what do I know, I'm only NMS with 91 OVR team.
I spent 60 bucks to buy the game I'm not about to spend thousands more to get a team I can grind for. I use players I like. Unfortunately 3 of them this year already have been LTD. (Damarious Randall, Donald Driver, Sammy Watkins) but because of how I team build I save boat loads of coins. I can use lower OVR cards to accomplish the same thing as many of these over priced "high" OVR cards that don't have stats to match their OVR's.
yea exactly. all these super sweaty dudes only care about having the best cards and dropping tons of money on them, when there are cards that do their job for 1/10th the price.
and i usually find guys that I like and also fit a purpose. Driver for example, theme diamond looked really good and driver was always my favorite receiver growing up, and i kid you not, i literally spent all my initial coins on getting his Theme Diamond, my first big pickup. my team was complete doodoo, but I driver. i was so damn happy to have him in the game so early. now i just want an ahman green or nick collins card to come soon.
Ahman Green was in the game a few years back, it was sweet. I'm a Packer fan and thought about running a theme team, but its to early for that. With GB only having 1 viable MLB. The new addition today makes it sweet being able to move some players tonother played positions. Hopefully they do that with Micah Hyde and Tramon Williams. My secondary would be slow as snails but fun to use. With the right scheme though anything is possible.
yea the packers have never been known for our outstanding physical talent, especially speed, but my brother and I have been dreaming about a Nick Collins FS card since we started playing MUT in like 16. I can't wait until there are enough packers to make a theme team, or at least an offensive theme, defense would be difficult.
You should be at least doing a 25/50 theme. Otherwise you’d have the God Squad and be out of $2,500 already on November 1st.
Or you need a clue about this game
agree about that
also it is super easy to get a 25/50 theme
Negative ghost rider. I not everyone NEEDS to do this. Some of us are here to play and enjoy the game not try to bs our way to the top. Then again, what do I know, I'm only NMS with 91 OVR team.
i like you, fuck them kids who spend hundreds.
I spent 60 bucks to buy the game I'm not about to spend thousands more to get a team I can grind for. I use players I like. Unfortunately 3 of them this year already have been LTD. (Damarious Randall, Donald Driver, Sammy Watkins) but because of how I team build I save boat loads of coins. I can use lower OVR cards to accomplish the same thing as many of these over priced "high" OVR cards that don't have stats to match their OVR's.
yea exactly. all these super sweaty dudes only care about having the best cards and dropping tons of money on them, when there are cards that do their job for 1/10th the price. and i usually find guys that I like and also fit a purpose. Driver for example, theme diamond looked really good and driver was always my favorite receiver growing up, and i kid you not, i literally spent all my initial coins on getting his Theme Diamond, my first big pickup. my team was complete doodoo, but I driver. i was so damn happy to have him in the game so early. now i just want an ahman green or nick collins card to come soon.
Ahman Green was in the game a few years back, it was sweet. I'm a Packer fan and thought about running a theme team, but its to early for that. With GB only having 1 viable MLB. The new addition today makes it sweet being able to move some players tonother played positions. Hopefully they do that with Micah Hyde and Tramon Williams. My secondary would be slow as snails but fun to use. With the right scheme though anything is possible.
yea the packers have never been known for our outstanding physical talent, especially speed, but my brother and I have been dreaming about a Nick Collins FS card since we started playing MUT in like 16. I can't wait until there are enough packers to make a theme team, or at least an offensive theme, defense would be difficult.
Not everyone gives a shit about the Cowboys, or your opinion on how to play the game. We already have GF douching up every card's comment section
Toxic. No way Im running a theme team lmao