Quote from TravisTarbox >>
Quote from arwing_andross >>
Please delete this thread before EA sees and changes it
Also, thanks OP!
Don't worry I don't think that EA will change it. There are a lot of things and issues that needs to address in this game. I don't think this will be one of it. If they do however, then that just shows you what type of people they are. Good luck on ripping those packs.
Quote from TravisTarbox >> Quote from arwing_andross >> Please delete this thread before EA sees and changes it
Also, thanks OP!
Don't worry I don't think that EA will change it. There are a lot of things and issues that needs to address in this game. I don't think this will be one of it. If they do however, then that just shows you what type of people they are. Good luck on ripping those packs.