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Quote from Dan_The_MUT_Man21 >> So I pulled Lamar Jackson GT out of my elite token set yesterday (choices were Lamar, Dawkins and LT). I was super hyped about the pull and still am, Lamar has played amazing for me (I love mobile QBs) and has been too much fun. While I absolutely DIG the gameplay and love his card art, I do have one complaint. His player model. I had faced Lamar many times before actually having him on my squad, but after getting a really good look at it, I have to say... Lamar has the worst player model in the game. I know its a minor complaint....but its bad. His face looks NOTHING like him, (I know they may not have his player likeness but still he looks crazy bad), his whole body seems lanky, his arms look too long and lanky, and he just looks REALLY bad in general.They did other rookies like Barkley so good they did terrible for Lamar. For the most part this year, EA has done a great job on player models (excluding Bettis) but Lamar's is just so bad. After playing the beta for 19, it still looks bad for next year. Am I the only one who think that his player model looks nothing like him? Sorry for the rant just wanted to share and hear other people's thoughts