20k+ Coin trade in is great. Make sure you don’t put in any 100-130 power guys for the 82-86 OVR players though. From seasons I used to make 500k a day from 20k+ trade in set. I ran out of non 100-130 power 85s these days though. Sometimes I get lucky with the 85s from seasons games.
80-81s and 87-89s 30-60 power guys go towards TP. Everything else I have goes towards making Madden Max badges. It’s good to diversify getting coins, TP, and Madden Max badges. If you play at least one season a day the coin making 82-86 OVR set kind of replenishes itself. With lots of seasons play you really aren’t losing the players in the coin set you are just cycling through the same players over and over again. It’s much better than having close to max inventory all the time which is super annoying.
20k+ Coin trade in is great. Make sure you don’t put in any 100-130 power guys for the 82-86 OVR players though. From seasons I used to make 500k a day from 20k+ trade in set. I ran out of non 100-130 power 85s these days though. Sometimes I get lucky with the 85s from seasons games.
Edited by pooooooooooooper
80-81s and 87-89s 30-60 power guys go towards TP. Everything else I have goes towards making Madden Max badges. It’s good to diversify getting coins, TP, and Madden Max badges. If you play at least one season a day the coin making 82-86 OVR set kind of replenishes itself. With lots of seasons play you really aren’t losing the players in the coin set you are just cycling through the same players over and over again. It’s much better than having close to max inventory all the time which is super annoying.