Im with you dude if you need lurker to get int then your trash ive been using pwills all year and i do just fine only ints i miss are out of reach ones
Well thats realistic dude i was simply stating you can still get ints w/o lurker just not out of reach ones which makes sense i dont blame the game i blame myself for not being in the correct position wasting a xfactor spot on a user is pointless its the cpu that needs help not a user unless your trash.... lol
Im with you dude if you need lurker to get int then your trash ive been using pwills all year and i do just fine only ints i miss are out of reach ones
That’s why you get lurker. To get out of reach ones....
Well thats realistic dude i was simply stating you can still get ints w/o lurker just not out of reach ones which makes sense i dont blame the game i blame myself for not being in the correct position wasting a xfactor spot on a user is pointless its the cpu that needs help not a user unless your trash.... lol