
Back to Anyone on ps4 play this dude in WL?

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Nothing worked. He would just swerve catch every time. Whenever I would go to user the route moss was on he would just throw corners to Holt


cover 4 palms man up outside corner on the corner route shade in and down then bring the saftey on the palm in side spy the DT put one MLB on like a curl orspy so he lags in the middle only blitz four lineman(3 with spy) and slant them out left on the d pad up on the right stick. user the sub mlb/mlb 2 and bait him then pic off what ever route isnt covered. This is what I run most of the time along with 4 lock flipped in big nickle over G.


^^now imagine having to make these adjustments for every play. yeah... not about that life haha. back to 2x FGs and GAP for my quicksell..


takes 2 seconds


correct me if im wrong but thats at least 16 button presses just to counter one single play... hahaha. now times that by however many times you need to counter the next cheese. thats a little excessive, no?


sadley its the only way I can find also it dosnt work against some people like throne but thats rare


And this is why madden is broken. Git gud is now HrM 5 routes and Defense is 62 individual adjustments. Cheese my friends.

What corner route do you man up? Left or right?


opposite the running back side

And what does that do?


makes the in the box safteys drop into hard flats and they play the outside if you man up the outside corner and shade in and down. Also the guy maned up stays with the guy till he cuts then he breaks behind so that the only way to catch it is over the top which requires an incredible pass lead...... and this is without my user or the hard flat imagine all those other aspects together. I also posted a thread on Deffense against TE offset last week you can pm me if you need help.

you need a good user tho I have been successful on boxing Te offset and bunch TE with this Defense for the past few WLs split close is a whole nother animal but im labbing some defense aganst it from soneone on this site.

This seems like a lot to do. If i misclick something, i'm fucked




look up ^ lol