Its a homage thing, to a career/life cut short. A legend that should of been. His death, like others, are the ones that bring the NFL community together.
Ok, but that's not my problem, it's the super inflated stats every year that leave us with the same best at position players. It also bothers me since lots of deserving players get shafted like Calvin J. and maybe even more importantly we don't get new useful cards for present players who should get some love. At the end of the day it's a video game, there should be lots of options to pick from each with their own strengths and weaknesses. A few maddens ago UL teams were by far the best way to go especially when they got Legends chems. I hope we don't go that simplified again.
ohh I get that! I mean, I think we can all agree this is one of the worst installments of MUT in regards to content and enjoyable experiences. A FS Calvin before a WR Calvin, 90 + elites with no power ups, and a market that crashes every week.
No, he was that good. Search @sharpfootball Sean Taylor tweets. There’s one of a young Sean Taylor chasing down and breaking up a Randy Moss deep route. Every year Warren Sharp posts tribute highlights.
ok, why are u coming on here to say "oH wHy ArE yOu GoInG cRaZy OvEr A fOoTbAlL vIdEo GaMe" "SeAn TaYloR dOeS nOt DeSeRvE oNe BeCaUsE hIs CaRrEr EnDeD sHoRt." Like ur coming on here to read what people are saying about the new madden cards, and u come on here to say "ItS jUsT a ViDeO gAmE" and ok it is a video game, but its made for people to simulate football games, and this is the closest thing to sports we have right now. We just want to have fun, like cmon dude, no one likes a bum, listen to MMG. He will throw you in the dungeon. I know u don't want to be there my guy
I totally understand what you mean, but just because he had a career cut short by death doesn't mean we need to pay homage and respects through a virtual madden card
Its a homage thing, to a career/life cut short. A legend that should of been. His death, like others, are the ones that bring the NFL community together.
Ok, but that's not my problem, it's the super inflated stats every year that leave us with the same best at position players. It also bothers me since lots of deserving players get shafted like Calvin J. and maybe even more importantly we don't get new useful cards for present players who should get some love. At the end of the day it's a video game, there should be lots of options to pick from each with their own strengths and weaknesses. A few maddens ago UL teams were by far the best way to go especially when they got Legends chems. I hope we don't go that simplified again.
ohh I get that! I mean, I think we can all agree this is one of the worst installments of MUT in regards to content and enjoyable experiences. A FS Calvin before a WR Calvin, 90 + elites with no power ups, and a market that crashes every week.
No, he was that good. Search @sharpfootball Sean Taylor tweets. There’s one of a young Sean Taylor chasing down and breaking up a Randy Moss deep route. Every year Warren Sharp posts tribute highlights.
Guys think about what you're arguing about. It's a football video game. And Sean Taylor was very good.
what are yall even talking ab yall be sleeping on TJ hassel
ok, why are u coming on here to say "oH wHy ArE yOu GoInG cRaZy OvEr A fOoTbAlL vIdEo GaMe" "SeAn TaYloR dOeS nOt DeSeRvE oNe BeCaUsE hIs CaRrEr EnDeD sHoRt." Like ur coming on here to read what people are saying about the new madden cards, and u come on here to say "ItS jUsT a ViDeO gAmE" and ok it is a video game, but its made for people to simulate football games, and this is the closest thing to sports we have right now. We just want to have fun, like cmon dude, no one likes a bum, listen to MMG. He will throw you in the dungeon. I know u don't want to be there my guy
I totally understand what you mean, but just because he had a career cut short by death doesn't mean we need to pay homage and respects through a virtual madden card