
Back to Vick or RG3? Why?

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Depends on what you run. I have every GT qb and my fav is Josh Allen hahaha :).




Josh allen is very good 99 stock throw power 6'5 can really let the ball rip especially into tight windows fast enough to evade a heavy blitz and surprisingly elusive if he runs. I loved his card but picked up lamar Jackson imho I would pick lamar or Allen before I did rg3 his trigger happy triat will come into play under heavy blitzing teams definitely cost me a few games when I had him


^ This. Def not Vick if you want to use gunslinger. Damn even without slinger if you want to low ball you can have some lineman hits. Seems like 6'2'' is the minimal hight for the qb to get rid of that problem. But Allen's release is slinger 2 so only tad worse than Rodgers. I haven't tried it but you could possibly get the ball fast even without gunslinger and go with protected for example.

Edited by BrejkJaNeck86


Slinger 2 is way worse than Rodgers. Like way worse. If release is the problem rg3 and sanu are the best. Even then, Allen's release is generic 1

Edited by MicahTheGOAT


yeah I confused Allen with Garoppolo while typing that.


I have had Josh Allen for about 3 weeks now, he is legit. Makes all the throws and can run without fumbling(as often as I have seen others).

Edited by denumber50