This card was planned way before GT, some dumbass fan chose to make a GT of a card that would obviously get a 99 UL. Why do so many people not understand that UL’s are planned way before GT? So many people have no common sense
Why couldn’t EA change that plan in the 10+ weeks since it released GT Bo Jackson? It definitely doesn’t take that long to replace one planned UL card with another.
Common sense suggests the people who make a game should adapt to players’ choices (like who they select for a GT), not the other way around. Of course, EA and common sense don’t mix.
Some people don’t have coin for GT bo Jackson so they depend on the 99 UL for the PU pass. I just feel like one of the GT’s was wasted cause some dude who spams the run every play wanted a bo Jackson with a few extra abilities and 3 boosted stats. It’s just common sense that we’d get a 99 bo. It would’ve been real nice to have got another TE GT. Reggie white and bo were stupid GT picks, I don’t think Lamar, and Vick were good picks, but at least the extra abilities they get allow you to use them a little differently. Bo Jackson GT was made for people who want to run the same formation, and switch between 3 different run plays all game. I shut run spammers down every time I play them, but I will say it’s boring AF. I’d rather lose to someone who’s good and can PASS and run that makes a fun and challenging game than win all day to stretch spammers
Because every hour of work costs the company money. They're leveraging the exclusivity as much as they can to avoid spending money. My biggest reason against card art and animations is that it's window dressing and it costs plenty and that could instead fix the gameplay.
This card was planned way before GT, some dumbass fan chose to make a GT of a card that would obviously get a 99 UL. Why do so many people not understand that UL’s are planned way before GT? So many people have no common sense
did you copy and paste your other answer lol
Yes I did lol
Why couldn’t EA change that plan in the 10+ weeks since it released GT Bo Jackson? It definitely doesn’t take that long to replace one planned UL card with another.
Common sense suggests the people who make a game should adapt to players’ choices (like who they select for a GT), not the other way around. Of course, EA and common sense don’t mix.
Some people don’t have coin for GT bo Jackson so they depend on the 99 UL for the PU pass. I just feel like one of the GT’s was wasted cause some dude who spams the run every play wanted a bo Jackson with a few extra abilities and 3 boosted stats. It’s just common sense that we’d get a 99 bo. It would’ve been real nice to have got another TE GT. Reggie white and bo were stupid GT picks, I don’t think Lamar, and Vick were good picks, but at least the extra abilities they get allow you to use them a little differently. Bo Jackson GT was made for people who want to run the same formation, and switch between 3 different run plays all game. I shut run spammers down every time I play them, but I will say it’s boring AF. I’d rather lose to someone who’s good and can PASS and run that makes a fun and challenging game than win all day to stretch spammers
Edited by trainhoppin
Because every hour of work costs the company money. They're leveraging the exclusivity as much as they can to avoid spending money. My biggest reason against card art and animations is that it's window dressing and it costs plenty and that could instead fix the gameplay.
You think the guys responsible for game play development are the same that create card art and animations?
No, but the funding they alot to games is.....
You are smart!
You are a fuckin dipshit with the intellect of a Forest Gump with a 1/4 of his brain.
Fan made probably the best GT in the game. I suppose you would rather see more Cre'Von LeBlanc? Now there is the real idiot.
Your fucking stupid dude