I run UL Megatron & GT Julio as my top two WRs. Megatron with Abilities; Julio without. This works very well for me, as Julio gets catches even without Abilities that I don't expect him to make.
I don't have Megatron....but I found the same thing with Julio....he plays as well without abilities as any other receiver with abilities.
Now I only run abilities on Dante Hall....cause theres no other player in thw game that can break ankles with HJS like he can....as a receiver he routinely takes short slants to the house...and he is by far the best kick returner in the game.
I'd take GT Kelvin. He's thick.
I run UL Megatron & GT Julio as my top two WRs. Megatron with Abilities; Julio without. This works very well for me, as Julio gets catches even without Abilities that I don't expect him to make.
I'm running 1 PU Megatron, 2 Julio, 3a Slot Kelvin Benjamin , 3b PU Moss. 4 Tyreek Hill for KO Prs. Abilities on Megatron.
I don't have Megatron....but I found the same thing with Julio....he plays as well without abilities as any other receiver with abilities.
Now I only run abilities on Dante Hall....cause theres no other player in thw game that can break ankles with HJS like he can....as a receiver he routinely takes short slants to the house...and he is by far the best kick returner in the game.