Man, you got jumped on the wrong info. It’s getting rough in here.
You do so much for the community. Massive respect for what you do here.
I totally dig the new presentation, it’s clean and info is easy to read. Leave The Yard for the Art Department and MUT can be simplified as much as possible. As long as new promos keep coming out, no need to make it flashy.
Who is “Dantel Hall” for the Chiefs?
He was a KR/PR/WR for them back in the 80's
I was referring to the typo...
Dude I'm not that old LOL. I think that's Dante Hall; Chiefs/Rams 2000-2008. The 'l' is probably a typo in EAs presentation.
Yes sir that's him sorry about that got my dates wrong wont happen again my bad.
no worries, keep up the awesomeness!
Lol they got it right in the Gridiron Notes
Man, you got jumped on the wrong info. It’s getting rough in here.
You do so much for the community. Massive respect for what you do here.
I totally dig the new presentation, it’s clean and info is easy to read. Leave The Yard for the Art Department and MUT can be simplified as much as possible. As long as new promos keep coming out, no need to make it flashy.