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Thanks all for the input. Yeah I did NTL on all five accounts last year. Kept it on my main... sold for a million profit on each farm. But it was a ton of work. Barry would probably be like 600 k profit on each farm I'm guessing.


Yeah, I haven't looked at prices recently. As I said before, I was too meticulous about prices as I was sniping and watching Netflix.

When I completed the set 1-2 weeks after release, my breakdown was basically:

  • 5 sets with 80-150k profit (Patriots, Falcons, etc.)
  • 27 sets with no gain/loss
  • 5 sets averaging 50k-75k loss (Chiefs because of Tyrann and others)

Ultimately, selling everything, it was a net gain of ~1.2m. You're probably right about it being 600k but that's hours and hours.