89 Overall cards are sub 100K now and they Give 3700 Training? When you play h2h allstar + you're getting 5K a win, plus tons of gold players it's not hard to get a few 88-89 players for not too much.
Ever heard of Chewbaccalemma or MikeMAACC on youtube? They succeed at doing NMS so why are you under the assumption that a non-YouTuber can't? Lol get your head out of the gutter
You can put a physical chemistry on him to boost him up
For the low cost of 10500 training (to upgrade all the necessary players in order for just that +1 speed boost).. not too bad.. Yikes..
10500 training is much more affordable than what it was in the beginning of the game (don't forget Sprinter gets +2 speed)
You must spend a lot of money Jon
Nope you don't have to spend money on this game to be successful. I just know how to snipe cards and work the market, #NMS
89 Overall cards are sub 100K now and they Give 3700 Training? When you play h2h allstar + you're getting 5K a win, plus tons of gold players it's not hard to get a few 88-89 players for not too much.
No chance you don't buy those weekly packs. You definitely spend money
Ever heard of Chewbaccalemma or MikeMAACC on youtube? They succeed at doing NMS so why are you under the assumption that a non-YouTuber can't? Lol get your head out of the gutter
Since when does Sprinter get plus 2 speed?
It's been that way.? Sprinter and Brawler are the only physical chemistries that get +2 speed