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The GOAT is back. Wish that strength was higher though. Not sure Brown should have higher strength than Payton.


Idk about that...Jim Brown was 6'2 235 and walter was 5'10 200..


Yeah but if you’ve seen any Sweetness highlights you’ll see right away he was all about power


So was Jim Brown, plus he was way bigger. I definitely think Jim Brown was stronger. He's on of the greatest athletes of all time.


Walter's strength in the weightroom was an animal, He benched 390. He deadlifted 625....SIX TWENTY FIVE. He would leg press 700 lbs like it was nothing.

Jim Brown was a man among boys but for sheer strength, it's Walter, and it's not as close as you'd think


Jim brown honestly was probably stronger. We don’t know because he played earlier than Walter. I would just assume because the dude is literally solid muscle and built like a Bodybuilder. No way a 200 pound rb is gonna be stronger than a 235 freight train. Walter is the goat though.


Once again wrong. Football players didn’t lift like that in the 40s and 50s, whereas they did in the 80s. It would literally be impossible because that early on football was mainly about genetics. You literally think that cardio work and on field exercises is gonna make Jim brown automatically stronger Bc he fuckin weighs more, just stop man.


Walter was stronger than 280 Lb Linemen....he worked out with the O linemen and actually out lifted a lot of those guys in deadlift, squat, leg presses. He was absolutely stronger


Yeah Bro These Dudes obviously never Saw Sweetness Play or nothing about him! Sweetness was the first that could run you over or juke you didn't matter! The whole 85 line up was a team full of Brusiers!! Anyone said Walter wasn't a power back doesn't know much about the game or History!! Please do you're Research Boys


You’re so wrong about this. Look at the movie about Walter Payton, I’m pretty sure it’s called sweetness. Payton is definitely stronger than him brown, because Payton could move his body just as fast as he needed to at any speed or position on the field. Brown went up against guys that were either unathletic, strong and fat, or guys that were really fast and not strong. Jim brown was bigger, yes, stronger no because Payton would destroy guys 2-3 times his size with his arm. Jim brown just ran to the end zone Bc he was too big


Jim brown ran to the endzone because he’s too big? Jim brown is stronger than Walter I would think just based on size. We don’t know though because I couldn’t find the numbers brown put up. I respect your opinion and will have to watch the movie!


Why does everyone assume that someone is bigger means they’re stronger? Size does have a natural advantage but it doesn’t mean you’re stronger than a smaller person on a strength program.


Yes, he ran straight to the end zone Bc in the 50s, today’s hs players would be stars in the nfl. Jim brown would be a 3rd stringer today and that’s on everything.