He’s not getting the 93. Not with those stats lol
i think EA just wants bears fans to stop complaining about having no QB. I know this because why else would they have posted that? TOTW has a f'ed up selection system anyway
Why are bears fans the priority? Every fan base complains.
I mean they gave Daniel trash Jones a card last year around this time which was a 95 overall
LTD Future card.
Someone's still salty :)
He’s not getting the 93. Not with those stats lol
i think EA just wants bears fans to stop complaining about having no QB. I know this because why else would they have posted that? TOTW has a f'ed up selection system anyway
Why are bears fans the priority? Every fan base complains.
I mean they gave Daniel trash Jones a card last year around this time which was a 95 overall
LTD Future card.
Someone's still salty :)