Ok so let's say you're right and he cheated for over a decade. His career has spanned two decades so what accounts for the success over the last one? Cause he now has more SB wins over the second half of his career than the first.
I hope you spend as much time calling out baseball pitchers for pine tar and spit balls, hitters for ped use and corked bats, teams for stolen signals via banging on a trash can, LeBron for traveling all the time, Tyson Fury for wearing his gloves too far up, Elway's Broncos for under the table payments to flout the salary cap, Aaron Rodgers for admitting that he tries to get overinflated balls past the refs all the time cause that's how he likes them, Jerry Rice for using stickum, and that female chess player who was in the news for 5 minutes a long time ago player who hid a chess computer in her lip balm.
Hey I’m a baseball player and we have probably the longest disputed cheater in history of sports: Barry bonds. He got the record for home runs hit in a career but supposedly took steroids to get there but what we don’t know is if he would’ve gotten there on his own even without the drugs. He was already on track but you never know. Anyway that discussion has kept him out of the hall of fame when he should be anyway
Ok so let's say you're right and he cheated for over a decade. His career has spanned two decades so what accounts for the success over the last one? Cause he now has more SB wins over the second half of his career than the first.
I hope you spend as much time calling out baseball pitchers for pine tar and spit balls, hitters for ped use and corked bats, teams for stolen signals via banging on a trash can, LeBron for traveling all the time, Tyson Fury for wearing his gloves too far up, Elway's Broncos for under the table payments to flout the salary cap, Aaron Rodgers for admitting that he tries to get overinflated balls past the refs all the time cause that's how he likes them, Jerry Rice for using stickum, and that female chess player who was in the news for 5 minutes a long time ago player who hid a chess computer in her lip balm.
Hey I’m a baseball player and we have probably the longest disputed cheater in history of sports: Barry bonds. He got the record for home runs hit in a career but supposedly took steroids to get there but what we don’t know is if he would’ve gotten there on his own even without the drugs. He was already on track but you never know. Anyway that discussion has kept him out of the hall of fame when he should be anyway