
Back to How to get a 25/25/25 Theme Team starting 4/16

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So for the 50 team you would need the 4 team items meaning you only need 46 from players. So team captain x7, two TD total x6, team master x2, Mills and Johnson would total to 17. So you would need 29 more players to reach that 50. Total players for that team would be 35. Since there is only 52 player spots that count towards team chems you would only have 17 players spot left. So for another 25 you would need two TD for x6 and team master x2 getting you a total of 8 with only 3 players. However you now only have 14 spots left and need 17 team chems to get to that 25. So sadly unless they add more people that can get multiple team chems you will come up 3 team chem short of the 25.

So 25/25/25 can be done but 50/25 can not.