
Back to What's the max distence 98 Morton Anderson can kick FG's??

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Has anyone tried yet? Really ain't any good solos to try this out in.. I was able to put him together fairly cheap & powered him up to 98 ovr.. I'm hoping to be able to kick it from 65 yards max?? I know 93 Tucker could kick it 60 yards with like 93 kick power..

Plus with kickers & punters tying into overall would i be able to still get to 99 ovr? As I don't plan on moving on from Anderson & will Soon get Ray Guy to complete my Punter position... hope at 98 kicker & punter I'll will be able to reach 99 ovr later in year..

1 last thing Will Calvin Johnson & Sean Taylor UL drop to under 600k eventually like last year? What about SB Franco Harris I would love to get his 97 card & Reggie White as well but refuse to pay 700k a piece for these guys...
