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They are only half usable if they have lurker otherwise they are worthless


Aaannnnddd he’s back around to it lol. Goodbye. You’re either a troll or really stuck on whatever the “Pros” say is the word of god. Have a nice day

ur just fucking wrong lmao. its a known fact that lbs dont animate as well as dbs. even in the nfl linebaclers arent as good at coverage as most dbs

Edited by jkobe_richardson124


I never said they didn’t? I’ve never said using a safety or corner is worse than using a linebacker, I’m saying if you use them correctly you can use linebacker, why can’t you guys understand that? 😂🤦‍♂️The only time I’ve remotely said anything like that is when I mention I used safties, corners, and Linebackers in certain positions and had the same results. Didn’t realize I’d have to spell it out for ya but here I go. Any issues with coverage I have have nothing to do with jumping and reactions because I know how to adjust. Anything I have is because they hit a spot that coverage can’t get too, which has nothing to do with what the player is and all how zones or man coverage is played. So I adjust and if fixed the problem. Jeepers you guys need to cheer up. It’s a game. Play it how you want. But saying linebackers are useless and unusable is incorrect.

Edited by lewa1115

bro im just trying to help you. for the sake of you being able to play the game without the ball being thrown at your linebackers every play you should use safeties. also you obviously didnt test very much or you would have played against someone who did that. and again, the reason we trust the pros is because a high percentage of the time they're right

Edited by jkobe_richardson124


“I’m just trying to help you.” Also recently told me to fuck off and to get my eyes checked out because I disagreed with him. 😂

I’ve been testing linebackers vs safeties all year. I don’t notice a difference enough to use one over the other. I use safties where they come in and linebackers where they come in. I’ve played against people that throw at linebackers and users, and ya know what happens? I pick it off or swat it down. Linebackers react, and can jump, maybe not like a safety or corner but saying they aren’t usable is incorrect, but you guys won’t listen to someone who has tested constantly since the beginning of the year because of your precious “Pros”. They don’t care about you. Go watch guys like ZAN, the ones that actually play the game like football. I respect him because he doesn’t say “I’m right you’re wrong go away,” he actually looks at everything and thinks about it

You Don’t have to try to feign friendliness with me now, you guys all hate me and hate that I’m able to have my own play style that isn’t the same as everyone else. It doesn’t bother me at all. 😂 in fact the hate I get without any legitimacy behind it let’s me know I’m right. I’m also not afraid to admit when I’m wrong. I was dead set against Lurker activating without it being a user. Then it finally did for me and I realized I was wrong and now I tell people it does because I’ve seen it

I think I’ve covered everything. I’m all done now. If y’all wanna keep using safeties at LB go ahead, but saying Linebackers aren’t usable is incorrect. I haven’t lost a game yet because I had Linebackers in, usually it’s because of my offense 😂

Edited by lewa1115

ok ur right i dont want to help you. and bro u told me to get therapy so dont try and go down that road. also do u think i dont play the game too!? bro ive used lbs for almost 1/3 of this madden and they didnt jump for me at all. so if it works for you thats cool, but i have a hard time beliving that pretty much only you have linebackers jump. and i know that people that have a large following dont get to interact with everyone that watches them. thats just basic common sense. and dude you have shwn little to no proof that they jump for you. the one clip you showed was thrown directly at him. so yeah if they work for you great but i just dont know why you would use a linebacker over a safety

Edited by jkobe_richardson124