I been playing on PC for a few years don't do much head to head stuff due to issues i have with lag in Australia. Auction house prices are higher then consoles but means if you sell you will reap the rewards from that. Is pretty easy making coins on PC. I just grind the solos and do my solo battles been getting bottom of top 100 most weeks in that when i have no disconnects lol....is easy coins.....will see if we get Next Gen on PC for M22. I would recommend getting EA play Pro you get the game a week before the official release date and a bunch of packs for monthly reward last few years been getting 6 x gold team packs each month
I been playing on PC for a few years don't do much head to head stuff due to issues i have with lag in Australia. Auction house prices are higher then consoles but means if you sell you will reap the rewards from that. Is pretty easy making coins on PC. I just grind the solos and do my solo battles been getting bottom of top 100 most weeks in that when i have no disconnects lol....is easy coins.....will see if we get Next Gen on PC for M22. I would recommend getting EA play Pro you get the game a week before the official release date and a bunch of packs for monthly reward last few years been getting 6 x gold team packs each month
Edited by wazzas212