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Facts. As a Niner fan I was really hoping they would fix this card so it's actually usable, but nope :(
With team chems he’d be sick
Yes I have a 50/50 niners team with run stuff and niners pass d and this man is a fuckin monster he is good just with run d chem without niners team he plays good
Oh yea, he’s 97 overall on my theme team.
Same and he’s good af
Facts. As a Niner fan I was really hoping they would fix this card so it's actually usable, but nope :(
With team chems he’d be sick
Yes I have a 50/50 niners team with run stuff and niners pass d and this man is a fuckin monster he is good just with run d chem without niners team he plays good
Oh yea, he’s 97 overall on my theme team.
Same and he’s good af