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He has a job and is paid. If we blew off our assignments at work, would we still have a job. Is it too much to ask that he provide a post for last weekend and this weekend? I really don’t understand why my comment got reported as it is a fact, he dropped the ball.


LOL, like slammer doesnt post them anyway, get over it and shut up.


He's just salty because Nick didn't post one article. And don't worry, his alt accounts are around as well. He also reported my comments for abuse of power lmao


I'm not going to around bashing my fellow moderators for not doing their job for whatever reason. For all I know, there could be a very good reason that he doesn't want to talk about publicly. Maybe he took off of work for a few days to deal with personal matters. We don't know what's going on in his life and we shouldn't hold it against him. Trust me, it'll all be okay, the world won't end


If it is not such a big deal, why are going around acting like the comment police?

What is his reason? The question was directed at him not you. Let him respond. He is a grown man. He can speak up for himself.

Also, being it is his job and responsibility, he could still post it. I week late though.


It's also my duty as a moderator to stand up for my fellow moderators. And he won't answer for hinself because he doesn't have to tell you about what's going on in his life. C'mon now. I'm sure you can live without one article




Nah I became a moderator by my own power kid, but keep telling yourself that you're tough. I do not get paid, as this is a volunteer position that I wanted. And also it is my business as I am defending a friend of mine from someone who wants to be in their business and clearly cares about an article. Just let it go


Translation= unemployed

You call him a friend but I bet he doesn’t answer your dms. Just saying...


leave nick alone. we're lucky we even have a cm and muthead exists


The guy before was better and didn’t miss updates


youre missing the point. at least we have a cm now


So you admit that the last guy was way more amazing?

my comment was to him.


i never said that. i said that for a while between cms we didn't have any posts at all. so it's ok if he misses a few. muthead is not most people's entire lives; they have other things to do. plus nick's posts are funny and we get posts. Win win situation, i don't get what you're hinting at


The last guy never missed a post he should be like hall of fame.